LJ Spring cleaning

Jan 22, 2010 15:09

I can be impulsive, I fall in love with hobbies, tv shows, movies, etc only to fall out of love with them a short time later. In the meantime, I had joined a bazillion newsletters, LJ communities, etc, etc. So long after I am disenchanted with "Torchwood", I am still in the community all about TV series. I really do not need specific icon communities, if they are on LJ, I can always snag an item with permissin without being a member of that community. Some interests remain, but it takes a great deal of time, time I do not have, to be an active member.

So I performed a spring cleaning, taking out news feeds I no longer want to see, left communities for TV shows and other miscellaneous things and defriended people I had not seen post in quite a while. If I defriended you by mistake, post a comment and let me know.

Overall, I feel rather accomplished in having cleaned up my Friends page. Naturally, this lasts up until I get caught up in the latest craze and i want to know everything about it.

Back to the grindstone for a while and than make an effort to actual go to gym.

lj, friends

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