
Oct 15, 2009 08:33

I am not a garden person,  since even if I take care of the plans inside the house they tend to die. Still, I cannot help but notice how beautiful the spring is this year. It feels like Johannesburg is greener then before with wild splashes of colour from various trees and on carefully maintained lawns outside the smaller business parks.

I don't think I've ever been so excited about spring in a long while. Admittedly, this time of the year has usually been filled with preparing for Unisa exams and when your head is full of Strategic Management lingo, the smell of jacaranda in the air does not really register.

I shall be posting photos of my recent trip to the US soon. As soon as I remember where both my cameras are in the house. I may have put them somewhere so they won't be in the way when I was unpacking.

weather, travel, life

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