
May 15, 2009 13:33

I've been doing a hell of a lot of reading lately. I'm feeling somewhat like my reclusive 13 year old self again. I haven't been out of the house since... Tuesday? Or Wednesday? And that's fine by me. My dad and I would go to the library on the weekends and I'd take out a stack of books to read over the week. It got to a point where I devoured the young adult section for books I deemed worth reading. Then I moved on the other stuff. Ya know, the BIG section of the library.

It's been really nice. I've missed reading.

Since Monday, I've read:

Abhorsen by Garth Nix. A reread. It's actually part three of his Old Kingdom fantasy trilogy. Pretty bad-ass. Heroines with necromantic powers fighting world-ending evil forces. Neat mythology and world he's made. Also, there are talking animals (well, they are magical entities disguised/imprisoned as animals). And you know how I feel about talking animals. I used to take out these books over and over and over again. Don't know why I never bothered to buy them. But I found it at a Value Village last Saturday and with my friend's staff discount, it cost me fifty cents. Seems almost insulting considering it's weight on my preteen years.

Bloodlettting and Miraculous Cures by Vincent Lam. Found this at the Value Village for fifty cents as well. Goddamn! This was on the bestsellers table for quite some time. A pretty recent book. I don't know who the hell was giving all these good books up but what'samattahyou?! A Toronto author with a medical background. An amazing articulate and interesting look in the lives of young doctors over the course of their careers. Riveting stuff. Seriously.

Cunt by Inga Muscio. Also a reread. A dear friend lent this to me years ago and I still have yet to return it because I am a terrible person. But we work together now so yay! This is great. Funny, informative, inspirational, fist-pumping. I honestly think every woman should read this book. Whether they identify as a feminazi or just a lady.

Wetlands by Charlotte Roche. There's been quite the hubbub about this novel and it's well deserved. Translated from German. A frank, unabashedly graphic look into the psyche and sexuality of an 18 year old who is in the hospital recovering from surgery but who is hounded from her parents' divorce. Folks, it's wonderful. It has some real gross moments but it's incredibly honest and human.

And now onto Emma Goldman's Autobiography! The original anarcho-feminist and fierce advocate for women's rights and the right to birth control herself! I'm not leaving my house til 7 o' clock tonight, yippee!

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