Made the poster and playing the show! HOORAY. I'll be Angela Juliet, of The Juliets, on clarinet and vox. I haven't heard the songs I'm going to play on yet, but I'm sure they'll be fun. Great big fun.
Oh yeah, check everyone out on the old MYSPACE! They're great.
Prussia (Ryan blew me a kiss this weekend, and I pretended it landed on my slice of pizza, then ate it.)
Lightning Love (Leah and I were in the band, "Swan Said Psych" at the last Instant Album Party, and she is adorable beyond words.)
The Juliets (Last year, Kaylan and I were in this huge mess of a band called Epic Orchestra, which was fun and short-lived. Haha.)
Ian Saylor (I snail-mailed him a booklet of illustrations for his album, Fortress Music, and we've been friends ever since.)