CR Chart

Sep 06, 2020 15:23

This is Sakura's CR chart for singularity-rpg. I will attempt to chronicle every person she interacts with (even if only briefly) and her general thoughts about them, for the sake of my recollection as well as others'.

An arrow means she knows the character by name.

Jane Shepard
One of the first people to speak to Sakura over the network, and alluded to the presence of something that sounded an awful lot like monsters/dragonets.

Raptor Red
She called dreams "night visions" and made a reference to hunting for food. (This should be a hint that she is not typically human.) Her personality is a little...spacey? Predatory? Sakura wonders if she's on meds. She offered Sakura help in finding food, which touched Sakura considerably. Sakura has no idea that she's, well, a dinosaur.

--> Harley Quinn
Not a traveling saleswoman. An "entertainer" (comedian? clown?) from the United States. Spoke of hallucinations and medications, and a lover back home named Mr. J. Sakura had no idea she was speaking to a criminal. On the contrary, she found Harley to be a very pleasant woman, and speaking to her made her relax. But Harley didn't seem to know anything about the nuclear winter induced by Naozumi Sudou. (This should serve as Sakura's first clue that the people who were brought onboard Sacrosanct are not all from the same world/timeline.)

Terry McGinnis
Informed Sakura of the existence of aliens, robots, and other unusual beings at Sacrosanct. Her first impression was of someone both amiable and concerned. Highly appreciative though she is for his help, this will not prevent her from being wary (except for at a distance). Does not seem to know anything about Sudou's nuclear winter--or dragonets--even though they both come from Earth. He suggested the existence of alternate universes, which makes sense to her.

--> Agent Carolina
The fist person Sakura met on board Sacrosanct face-to-face. She brought Sakura to safety and helped her take the first steps towards getting acclimated to this strange new world. Sakura interpreted her as a maternal woman, albeit someone very important (the helmet she was wearing and the orders she was taking gave this impression); perhaps a soldier? Highly appreciative of the help Carolina offered; probably feels flustered/indebted as a result. Deeply worried, as there appears to be "someone from work" who is posing a physical threat to her.

He's not human, but he dreams. He only has one dream. Since Sakura is under the impression that only humans can be cruel to you, she feels calmly about speaking to him (and is probably fascinated by the concept of a non-human dream).

oh my god what the hell is that

Cutest robot ever.

The Riddler
Since he seemed so confident with the technology onboard Sacrosanct, she assumed he was a programmer or an engineer. If there's someone like this person inside the space station, maybe there's hope for getting home someday. (She assumes he might be able to figure out how the teleporters function and whether it's possible to use them to send everyone back to their original worlds.)

Sarah Connor
She must come from a horrific world, as she mentioned being uncertain that there would be other human survivors. Sakura is worried for her emotional state.

RED Soldier
She was terrified of his militant personality at first, but soon came to view his attitude as humorous. (This is the type of man she probably would not view with default fear.)

Because he spoke with a mechanical voice when he first arrived, she assumed he was a robot, and thus not an actual man, so she was comfortable speaking to him. He later took up a human guise, and Sakura, believing her first impression was inaccurate and that he is human after all, has reverted to her default distrust. He said he might be able to manipulate the station's AI and find everyone a way home. Once hopeful of that promise, Sakura is now dubious instead.

Karkat Vantas
He screams at people through text. She thinks he is American.

--> Motoko Aramaki (The Major)
The only Japanese-speaking individual Sakura has met on board Sacrosanct. It was the first time she heard her native language spoken in eleven days and came as an immense relief. The woman herself seems very distant.

--> Dr. McNinja
He is a doctor by trade and a ninja by familial inheritance. His name makes Sakura giggle. Very easy to talk to. From a distance.
Note of interest: Knows of MySpace.

Another cute robot!

--> Adam (The Lone Wanderer)
Met him in Garden Zone 01. Remarkably kind for a human male. Seems to come from an Earth destroyed by nuclear fallout, similar to Sakura's--but on his Earth, China was responsible for dropping hydrogen bombs? (Alternate universe?)

That he is so considerate and outwardly carefree is at odds with Sakura's beliefs that human males are capable only of cruelty. Apparently, nobody ever calls him by his name, which Sakura thinks must be degrading. She is slowly starting to consider him a friend, but this is very, very far out of her comfort zone, so at the same time, she probably feels confused or repulsed with herself.

--> Agent New York
Friends with Agent Carolina?

--> "tA" (Sollux Captor)
Probably the first friend Sakura has had in eight months. At least, she considers him a friend. He's not a human, so the default feelings of distrust/discomfort do not exist. He is rather easy to talk to, the way Shiina and Kaizuka were. And he has been through hell. Apparently, on his planet, he took steps that he thought would save his universe from destruction at the cost of his own life, only to later discover that it was the other way around.

He doesn't like humans--but neither does Sakura. He is the only person on board Sacrosanct (...or ever, actually; way to phail, canon) that Sakura told about her father's abuse. It kind of just happened.

--> Lain Iwakura
A thirteen-year-old from Kyoto. At least--maybe she's thirteen. Lain isn't sure, apparently, of her age. Sakura did not realize until she spoke to Lain, via the Network, that there might be other girls on board Sacrosanct close to her in age. Now it is her wish to meet Lain in person.

--> Euphemia ("Euphie")
A very pretty girl from a parallel world where "Britannia" apparently comprises all of North America. Sakura is fascinated by her (natural) hair color. She appears to have a collar stuck around her neck; was she a prisoner?

--> "Hoshimaru" (Takeo Tsurumaru)
Canonmate! It came as a devastating blow to Sakura when this young man showed up on Sacrosanct and revealed himself as the true owner of Hoshimaru. Previously, Sakura had thought Hoshimaru belonged to Shiina. So, essentially, this boy is Hoshimaru. This boy knows all of Sakura's secrets and is responsible for killing Kaizuka. This newfound knowledge initially felt like a total violation of privacy. Slowly, however, Sakura is coming to trust Tsurumaru, because the Shiina who showed up on Sacrosanct has full trust in him. And after all, Hoshimaru has saved Sakura's life many times in the past. Isn't that enough to warrant trust?

--> Thane Krios
Another case of "Thank God, probably not a human." He comes across as reserved and, perhaps, stoic. He inquired about people's occupations/pastimes, and Sakura responded with cooking and fencing. Thane describes himself as a jack-of-all-trades who enjoys reading. Sakura made a book suggestion to him (Water Margin, which she only knows thanks to Shiina). Although he doesn't have much free time anymore for reading, Sakura will be scouring Sacrosanct's libraries for the book.

--> Shiina Tamai
Canonmate! It's Shiina. Shiina is Sakura's best friend. Shiina is the most important person to Sakura in any world. Sakura would sooner die than see Shiina unhappy. Sakura still cannot believe that Shiina's with her in Sacrosanct. It's too good to be true.

After being separated for nine months, Sakura and Shiina had a lot to discuss. They filled each other in on everything the other had missed while they were separated during Sakura's incarceration. Shiina vowed never to let anyone harm Sakura again. Sakura is convinced she will be the one to do the protecting this time, however, as she now knows that she owns a dragonet while Shiina does not.

--> Kairi
A kind, outgoing, and cheerful girl. Although she was brand new to Sacrosanct the first time she spoke with Sakura, the first thing she did was ask about Sakura's well-being. She seems very selfless and sweet.

Recently, Kairi asked Sakura (and by extension, Shiina) to teach her fencing. Sakura's starting to think that Kairi wants to be friends. As a result, she is extremely hopeful, but also worried that she has begun to think of Kairi as a Kaizuka replacement. Shiina and Sakura also learned that Kairi, on her home world, was a chosen hero tasked with saving her entire universe from a threat known as the Heartless.

Their conversations do not always make sense.

--> Dinobot
He is a total jerk. And yet she adores him.

Girls don't have to make sense, do they?

An arsonist whom Sakura owes a debt to because she accidentally gave him nightmares.


--> Norio Koga
Canonmate! Tsurumaru's best friend. He showed up on Sacrosanct with torn earlobes, and Sakura learned that he had been attacked, back home, for being homosexual. Tsurumaru describes him as "Really a girl in the wrong body." Sakura sees him as a girl. He's a very talented dollmaker (and extremely beautiful, in her eyes), and he confessed to Sakura that he's in love with Tsurumaru.

She feels bad for him, because he seems to think that he deserves to be hated by everyone he meets. Sakura does not think anyone deserves that.

Note: While Sakura is able to get along with all characters over the network (i.e., from a distance at which she feels safe), she has a very, very hard time being face-to-face with men. If she acts differently towards your character in a log than she does over the network, and your character happens to be a human male, then this is why.


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