drabble time.

Sep 19, 2012 16:26

Suggest a pairing (gen is fine too) & prompt and I'll do my best to write you something short. All comments are screened (until filled, of course), and I make no promises. ♥

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one_if_by_land October 11 2012, 16:16:06 UTC
ok IT IS MY FAULT because I know I was basically asking for disbandment fic but you really didn't pull back any punches. ;~; Reading your writing always feels like waiting for the other shoe the drop, like the more I descend the more I know it's going to hurt but I CAN'T STOP; HOW CAN ANYONE STOP. I love that even as Sehun tries to acknowledge that idol life & six years will change anyone and that neither he nor Lu Han can be the same coming out the other end, he still can't help but reminiscence about the last lingering moments, the memories of living together, sharing the same air, the same dreams, the time when they still faced the same direction. How Sehun tries to reject the future by ignoring opportunities and everyone else's suggestions, how he refuses to move on, still in transition between being an ex-idol and being a re-human and after years of living with another teenage boy merely feet away. Ahhh, and it's so heart-breaking when he keeps trying to re-tell the story and comes up empty-handed each other.

AND LU HAN, THIS LU HAN ;___; it's like you've teased out all my worst fears for him ;___; lost, adrift, stuck between the life he chose and the life he left behind (though even in disbandment, willing to adapt faster than Sehun). You're so good at evoking his transience in those passing images and interactions, his jokes with Sehun, when he puts on a brave face, the words he doesn't say, when he chooses to walk away. AND ALL OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL LANGUAGE IN THIS, the idea that six years & 12 boys is a lot of trampling, even as one's trying to jump away while one keeps checking the ground is still there.

It occurs to Sehun that this is how it will end, he and Lu Han, paths peeling away from each other with the muddled sweetness of bruised fruit, the skin separating slowly, reluctantly, from something it no longer has to protect. This is the moment that stays with him only because the separation is so slow, in fractions and degrees, and Sehun will look for it and look for it and never see. - THIS IS ACTUALLY EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED WHEN I LEFT THIS PROMPT, AND I HATE THAT YOU GAVE IT TO ME. ;~;


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