wwow this weekend was nothing like it was supposed to be. i was supposed to have fun because i dont have a single piece of homework. i wanted to get a lot of artwork done, but that definately didn't happen either. im so irritated right now, its not even funny.
friday i went to the mall with sarah, because thats the best way to relieve stress. mmm boys. we bleeping had an english AND government test that day! i spent every period studying except for the one period after the tests. but anyways, then melissa and i saw Napoleon Dinomite which was, surprsingly, pretty disappointing. it was funny, but i think i was laughing mostly because i couldn't believe i was watching it, not because it was particularly hilarious. i DID love his dancing and the background music, however. but ya, unfortunately i am part of the almost non existent minority that didn't "ABSOLUTELYLOVEITANDTHINKITWASTHEMOSTHILARIOUSMOVIETHEYDEVERSEEN". oh well. omgoodness but they had fruit snacks at AMC!! can yu believe it?! lol i was in such a good mood after that. haha. but ya, later we went to Shakes and stayed there for like 8 million hours, lol. it was good though. much needed.
this morning i woke up at 8 and went to some carnival thing at some park for community service stuff. we painted faces and stuff, and it was pretty fun. ya. and then at 2ish i was mega excited to come home, but to my surprise, my cousins decided to stop by and stay the night! i came home to find little kids running around my house and my brother home from college. i was so tired, but had to drive people around, and then spent the rest of the night coloring, playing hide and go seek, and playing black jack with my cousins. it was fun, but i was just so tired and little kids have like 80000 times more energy than i ever thought possible, lol. ughermonkey. but at least my brothers and i took a break from all of that for a bit and made a CD Exchange stop. yessss. and now im just pissed off because certain people talk so much BS and i just cant stand that. but whatever, i really dont need that or want to deal with it anymore. so this marks the end to that whole ordeal. even though its such BS and i really want to be a b*tch right now..((!!!)) buuuut im not going to. THE END