Jan 27, 2005 08:09
Okay, after much angst, thought, and debate, I've decided to go ahead and make my journal (mostly) friends only. For the most part, everything of substance and all of my phone posts are friends only anyway, so why not just go all the way? XD
I may have a few public entries from time to time, and this might go back to public whenever I choose to do so, if I don't like the change. :P It's been a long time coming, so please don't think it's your fault, Puffy. <3
I'm most likely going to be making the change on Sunday night (or possibly Monday), so I'd like for those of you who actually read me and actually care if you're on my friends list to please comment and let me know. Those that I haven't heard from by then will be deleted (except for icon and cosplay journals that I've friended), no matter who you are. If you don't catch me by then and want back on, I'd be happy to add you back, though. I <3 you all.
I honestly don't want people who don't want to stay or don't read me on my list anymore, so if you no longer want to be, please let me know as well. No hard feelings! :) I don't like cutting people, and if every single one of you want to stay, then great. I like everyone on my friends list, and I enjoy reading all of you. You guys are an interesting bunch, with so many different talents, personalities, and quirks. You are all great people, and you brighten my day. :)
Thanks for reading, guys! <3 And if this is goodbye...many blessings to you, and have a nice life. XD
And if anyone wants to make me a friends only banner, that would be nice, too. XD XD XD