Adventures in Pyrotechnics

Aug 16, 2007 15:18

It occurs to me I actually have stories to impart, and henceforth, I should be making an entry- or perhaps two, in separate installments!

First, there is the story of how I ended up on the same score board as Thorne. The scene is midnight, in my family's kitchen, when Nnie and I are craving snacks. We keep our voices hushed, as we've been informed my father's leaving at 4:30 in the morning to catch a flight to D.C., but we're going about the usual midnight snack preparations. . . On the menu, we have onion rings and mac-and-cheese. Healthy, indeed! (Oh, come on. We have toast, fruit and cheese most other nights.)

It turns out that neither of us have fried onion rings before, but we're pretty sure baked onion rings are sad, sad creatures. So we throw less than a quarter inch of oil in a frying pan, set the burner to medium high, and wait while the water starts to boil for the macaroni. It's about the point when the water is steaming that we select our sacrificial first onion ring to throw in- a particularly ice-frosted specimen of golden roundness. Gamely, we drop it in- and it quite promptly starts spattering hot oil EVERYWHERE. Immediately, I go to pull the pan off the burner - and inertia being what it is, it sloshes and spatters hot oil on the hot burner. Cue flames!

With the stove burner awash in a skin of flames, Nnie is pointing at it frantically and going “Uhm, oh shit, fire!” I calmly lean instantly to the left to grab the mini fire extinguisher beside our fridge, point it at the problem, and two squirts of foam later, it’s out. . . and this leaves us staring at the surface of the stove, covered by a thin layer of grease and foam, and our pan of simmering grease with one golden-brown onion ring in the center. There’s a moment of silence, then I go, “Well, at least we’re going to have /one/ perfectly cooked onion ring. Damnit. . . . Know what, gimme another one.”

Nnie was understandably cautious, but judicious treatment ensured no repetitions! So we proceeded to make the rest of our onion rings while the oil was still hot, right next to the wash of oil and foam that was slowly baking on to the stove surface on the cooling burner. And damned if those onion rings weren’t pretty tasty. We never did make the mac and cheese, but after all that, we didn’t really mind.

Moral of the story: Make sure to defrost your onion rings before trying to toss them in hot oil. Otherwise, you might just have to sit and eat your ill-gotten gains while you wait for the stove to cool enough for you to scrub it clean. <3 (Best part of it? Leaving no trace behind, then calmly informing family the next morning you set the kitchen on fire while they slept through it all.)

And before I forget- I might have mentioned I got a commission from Ghost - This is that commission. *loves madly on Ghost* She made CX look BADASS. And uber fluffy. <3

To follow will be Renfaire whatnot, pictures, and music, not necessarily in that order!
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