Aug 16, 2006 19:00
OH MY GOD!!! I am so F***ing pissed OFF!! DAMN YOU CHAPTERS IDIOTS! I WANT MY BOOK! I ORDERED IT OVER 2 WEEKS AGO!!!!! I want to file a million complaints right now, but I'm too HUNGRY! ARG! When is DINNER! *sigh* DAMMIT! IT SAID 1-4 DAYS for shipping! NOT 16 DAYS! It BETTTER be there tomorrow when I go or ........ELSE!! (that's really lame, but I couldn't think of anything else on an empty stomach.... too bad)
Other than that, however, SCIENCE WORLD, I <3 YOU! Lego Egypt was super duuperly awesome and now I totally phyched for my trip =]!!!!!! 3 DAYS! Too bad the pentad couldn't make it today. X[ But the TV show we made and the disco dancing were awesome. Ahhhh.. =) Good times. Bever fur is soooo soft, now I understand why they wanted their fur for hats and coats... so sofftttt.. soo warmm Mmmm comfy and gorgeous. YUM! Too bad the bees were gone.. I miss them =(
So yes, I leave in 3 days.. and am gone until Sept 5th. And...Nope, haven't started packing, HAHA not even done cleaning my room. Good LUCK to me, cause I'm going out agian tomorrow as well as getting my hair cut after, no time at home... I was supposed to be at least a bit packed before I go out ... buttt that doesn't seem too likely. Oh well good enough. I'll manage -- I always do. =]
Got my Drivers Licence today in the mail. The picture's not half as bad as I expected.... it's okkkayyy I guess. And NO I do NOT want to donate my body parts, thank you.
YESSSSSSSSS DINNERRRRR!! NOT Mexican. HAHA....... =====>>>>> CIAO!