Ok so I'm done with it, I've slept a few hours, going to get my first just finished impressions off quickly.
1. Dany - the Meereenese knot appears to have been the fact there was a book called Dance with Dragons coming out and Dany was stuck in a boring shithole she shouldn't have spent more than two weeks in but had to stay there while a bunch of other threads developed. Leading to her making ridiculous decisions to justify staying in Meereen. Seriously the whole thing was a joke, it makes absolutely no sense for Dany to spurn all of the hey Westeros is over here let me help type options she had, at such a politically good time for her, in favour of staying in Meereen. The only actual real reason to do so would be Drogon, and that could have/should have been wrapped up sooner. Her chapters were the worst beccuase nobody cares about Meereen court politics and that was the detail that Martain chose to use to kill time with her.
Also the whole I'm just a young girl line with Dany has been well and truly beaten to death.
I totally get the Daario thing tbh. I'm going to be annoyed by what people say about that, I can tell.
2. I missed Sansa and Littlefinger a lot. The Jaime and Cersei we had wasn't nearly enough.
3. Enjoyed Arya, Bran and Davos. I'm really happy Davos is still alive, I enjoyed the Bran stuff, maybe it's the addition of Bloodraven that's doing it for me, but I like all the warging and so on. Although secret!targs hiding in all of the place is getting kind of ridiculous. Which of course brings my to Tyrion.
4. Tyrion was appalling. I hated reading his chapters except I did because sometimes there was some stuff about Lannister's I like in them. I don't even know what to say. He's behaving just disgustingly, being every thing everyone ever accused Tywin of being, just generally being an awful person with no sort of genuine purpose or foundation to his action. The misogyny in his chapters was awful. The creeepiness in his chapters was awful. The chapter in the brothel where he found Mormont is one of my least favourite things.
And the book still reads so sympathetically to him. Contrast with that whole Cersei downward spiral we saw and the totally different ways they were treated.
I'm going to be furiously outrageously pissed at all of the Tyrion is such a nice guy oh but he's just had terrible circumstances people.
I liked the little glimpses into life at the rock we got from Tyrion, those were what kept me reading instead of walking away disgusted.
He was so influenced by Tywin the whole way. Truly his father's son in the most negative possible way, was he trying to out Tywin Tywin? He was failing at it and was far worse. I know most won't sympathise with Tywin but he was always so very strongly anchored in his duties (see his remembered comments re freedom), Tyrion doesn't have that kind of compass which makes me despise how he's behaving.
I think I'm starting to buy the Tryion is a Targ theories. Why put that in there if it's not at all relevant? I hate you secret!targs.
5. Kevan D: I know I'm weird but I love all of the older generation people and killing Kevan like that just made me sad. I guess it was meant to but yeah, still so sad.
6. Watching everyone be all, "Yes Tywins dead! Let's drag this war out some more" was annoying.
7. I like the Melisandre bits. I'm taking the whole "I keep asking for Azor Ahi and getting Jon Snow" to mean a fairly strong confirmation Azor Ahai reborn is Jon Snow, while Dany is the Prince who was Promised.
8. Jon wise I think he died but death means a lot less than it used to. But how will he come back? My money's on Melisandre somehow. Does that mean zombie!Jon soon? Or will he somehow be bought back to actual life? Is this entire thing a construction because the watch's vows end at death so now he's vowless? That's my other instinct. I didn't hate reading his chapters but didn't glaze over to read them either.
9. Reek chapters were terrible to read. I always liked Theon, seeing him reduced to this is so saddening. Ramsay is too much of a caricature.
10. Stannis isn't dead imo. The letter was pretty clear that Jeyne and Theon were still on the run, I don't see how they could have gotten away in the state they're in and Stannis have died.
11. Finally Cersei. That was appalling in so many ways. I hate the whole slut shaming thing, I hate the fact that he wrote her breaking because of it. I'm going to be furiously angry every time I read about how she deserved it, and I know that's going to be all over the place. Also I'm going to start stanning for Cersei really hard, be warned.
12. There had beeter be more action from the Martell's. I kind of love Doran.
ETA 13. I also kind of love how Tywin has become the gold standard of getting stuff done (pun entirely intended). So many people reflect on how things would be different with him there, Tyrion constantly thinks what he would've done, Jon Connington reflecting that he lost the battle of the Bells and pmuch gave the realm Robert because he didn't have the stomach to do what Tywin would have done to end it there etc.