Wow, with the start of Tama's birthday, we're actually entering Kisumai Miracle Week this week!
The only week of the year when all Kisumai members' ages vary from Mitsu to Senga.
Mitsu 30, Watta 29, Gaya 28, Miyacchi 27, Tama 26, Nika 25, Senga 24. And I totally forgot I haven't prepared anything for Sen-chan's birthday LOOOLLLLL Sen-chan gomen ne!!!! I don't know if I can make anything on time. Even I missed releasing the last Tama's video lololol *I hope I can finish it on time and do something for Senga too* Okay Flow you're being too ambitious lol.
However I've finished all 7 videos I was planning to release on Tama's Week, as below:
- 2015.11.23 Sukatto Japan
- 2015.11.17 Kayou Surprise
- 2015.01.05 SMAPxSMAP - Feeling Couple cut
- 2012.12.27 Ikinari! Ougon Densetsu 6hr SP
- 2015.01.19 SMAPxSMAP - Feeling Couple unaired scenes
- 2014.01.16 Kiss My Fake
- 2013.09.05 Academy Night
You can find all
*phew* they were a lot of work! Spent like 2 months full working on those. Not to mention I still had that weekly Seven World releases on top of them!
Speaking of which, yesterday me and a couple of fellow Kisumai fans celebrated Tama's bday yaaayyy~ we all dressed up in yellow and ordered anything yellow! I wore any yellow I can find in my wardrobe, sad they aren't many *sigh*. Need to start looking for yellow stuff!!! I've been betraying green, my original fave color ever since Tama caught my eyes lol.
That's all though! Catch up again later!
I actually got several new magazines to scan, will scan and post them when I have time! Kekeke~