Final Update

Apr 08, 2008 23:04

And on the note of that last entry, I think its time for me to declare this journal 'closed'.

Of course, canceling it would be silly, since its ya know... free... and it has a lot of memory associated with it... but I can almost guarantee that there will be no updates on this journal for the foreseeable future, and it is quite highly unlikely I will read/respond to any comments here.

Who knows, someday in the future there may come another time in my life where I will decide that an online journal or community of this nature is what I need or want... but for now, I don't see any point to it.

So thank you to everyone for all the memories this journal contains... both good and bad, for they both helped to shape me into who I am. And to anyone who reads this who wishes, for any reason, to get in touch with me; I can be easily reached in several ways(what a world, eh? ;)):

First and foremost, on AIM: GwaihirValar or HeraldTantras
Secondly, e-mail:
Should you play WoW: On the Shattered Hand server is where I play, and I am Eleshakai, Saliashra, and Therana primarily, and several others occasionally ;)
On 3 primarily), in the Azeroth(USEast) realm: Gwaihir-Valar

Or for that matter, my darling wife might even be willing to pass on a message. Might... if you asked nice, offered cookies, and didn't do it too often ;)

So ya, no matter what you have to say, no matter when you wanna say it, feel free to get in touch any time.

And on that rather pleasant note, I end this. Farewell, journal ;)
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