Apr 15, 2007 17:20
Of drunk thoughts and thinking...
The group urinal. This is a somewhat rare anomaly but creeps me out when it happens. For the ladies that dont know of what im speaking sometimes in a male bathroom rather than individual urinals there is just one big long one and that is just wrong. Who decided that it was a good idea to have a whole bunch of dudes stand right next to each other and piss. Girls are the ones that all head to the bathroom together, why are guys forced to be uncomfortably close to other while using the bathroom?
The sleeveless shirt. There is no reason for this to exist. In my entire life i have never been in a situation where i thought "damn its so hot i wish i didnt have this 3 inches of sleeve on my arm, but its just too cold to take my shirt off." This is made worse when the person wearing such a shirt has zero muscle mass and ITS FUCKING SNOWING OUT!
It might be April, but its still snowing asshole. I dont care what time of year it is, if its 30 degrees and snowing, it's not shorts weather, i really hope you morons get hypothermia and die.
The fat friend. This has been spoken about before. This is something that all girls do but none admit to, but keep an eye out and you'll see it. Groups of girls will always have one fat chick in the mix. One might ask "how does a fat chick fit in with these girls?" She doesnt, and thats the point. The fat chick is there to make the other girls feel, and look more attractive that they actually are. Stick an average girl next to a fat chick and she goes from a 5 to a 7 instantly. It's a cruel system, but the fat chick gets the extra not as attractive as his friends so hes willing to settle guy. Everybody wins!
Finally, the pissed off theory. This has also been spoken about on other occasions but came up again. If you're not pissed off all the time about something there is something wrong with you. You might not notice it, or even want to, but unless you're totally fucked in the head or a douche bag you are pissed off all the time, because no matter where you are or what you're doing there is something going on that is pissing you off.