quiz type things

Aug 15, 2005 14:25

DIRECTIONS: List ten songs that you're currently digging. It doesn't matter what genre they're from, whether they have words or even if they're no good. They must be songs that you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the ten songs and their artist(s), and then tag five other random people to see what they're listening to.

Lets Rock "Lately I've been thinking about who's in charge
About who they are
And are they looking down and laughing hard
Are they aliens or robots or humanoids or gods
I think I'm just paranoid" : Smashmouth

Pet Names "He'll look at that cloud that he's standing on
And with an itsy bitsy, tiny little almost inaudible squeak
He'll notice
It's gone." : Smashmouth

Padrino : Smashmouth

Nervouse in the Alley : Smashmouth

Flo : Smashmouth

The Boxer : Simon and Garfunckle

A Rose for Emily : Zombies

A cover of A Stranger in Moscow : I don't know, but it isn't the one by Michael Jackson

London Calling : The Clash

Aura, evil version : Liminality, the .hack//SIGN soundtrack

In case you didn't notice, I just got a new Smashmouth album. I tag Rachel, Jay, Hannah, Brandon, and Sara.

And here's something interesting...

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of really generic questions on these surveys, so so here is a different kind. Answer all the questions except one. Tag one person to answer the remaining question for you. That person then has to fill this out for him/herself. *Oh, yeah. The questions with asterisks after them are from the book If^2 by Evelyn McFarlane and James Saywell. It’s a really cool book filled with questions like this.


Favorite kind of tree: Mimosa (puffy pink flowers, ferny leafs)

Favorite infomercial product: The Magic Bullet. I don't own it, but the 'mecial is so funny, I have friends who watch infomercials when they are bored, just *hoping* the magic bullet comes on (my friends need lives). They try so hard.

Favorite Archaic Word: tie between "ye addled bildge-sucker" and somewhither

Favorite element: Unununium, number 111, symbol: UUU

Favorite word/phrase from another language: calculus, which is latin for stone or pebble. Today it means a type of math, which is a stone in my shoe. Also, Silvam, which means forest or woods and looks poetic.

Favorite scientific name for something: Brachyta interrogationis nigrohumeralisscutellohumeroconjucta, a type of sand flea


3 Fictional Boyfriends/Girlfriends: Tag, Spencer

3 Bumper Stickers: Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Allow me to introduce my selves

3 Best Songs/Albums: Fush Yu Mang by Smashmouth

.hack//Sign soundtracks

Greatest Hits of Simon and Garfunkle


If you could make any movie set real and live on it, which movie would you pick?* LOTR. I love the forests and coolnessness

If you were invited to design and teach a semester-long elective at your school, what would it be? Why is Mona Lisa Wearing a Thin Veil?: Portraiture as an Introduction to Changing Cultures. We would examine the way portraits throughout history show their subjects and the cultural elements around them.

If you went to Hogwarts, what house would you be? Ravenclaw, for sure.

If you had to pick your senior quote right now, what would you choose? You must be the change you with to see -Gandi

If you could guarantee the happiness of any one person because he or she most deserves it, who would it be?* Shoot. I've got a two way tie: Nicole, from STTS, cause she's going through some tough shit right now, and Maranda, cause she has an awful home life. Can't I make everyone who has gone through stuff happy?

If you could haunt any place on earth, where would you haunt? I think it would be fun to haunt a college. Especially a really selective yet inexpencive college, then you'd be able to hear all kinds of interesting conversation. Centre could be fun too, though. Spy on all future GSPers...

If you could live in a past era just so you could wear the clothes in fashion at the time, when would you live?* I am all about current stuff. If I want to wear something gothy, totally can. If I want to wear something dressy, I can. If I want to wear something scrubby, more power to me. But if I could live at any time to check out guys wearing fashionable clothes, I’d have to go with sometime in early 17th century France because the cavalier look is really sexy.

Other Interesting Questions

There’s a boggart in the cupboard! What will it turn into when it sees you? something that inflics excruciatin and unending pain. Or a large group of my friends, laughing, hurting, or otherwise betraying me.

What’s the nicest compliment anyone has ever given you?* When Reese bought me the dragon for no reason. Let me know he cared.

Strange personal habit: I floss. Nobody in the world flosses but me. I also read. All the time.

What childhood book influenced you the most?* The Chronicles of Narnia, definetly. Also, Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher, by Bruce Coville. It made me fall in love with dragons.

If you could give an award to the most moral person you know, what would you give to whom?* Heather, who works for the Kentucky YMCA, or Reese (not just because of the dragon. He is nice to everyone, all the time.)

Dream college: I am appying to 13 schools, and I want to go to all of them: St. Johns College, Hampshire, New College of Florida, Stanford or Berkeley, the honors program of Colege of the Redlands, Reed, Indiana University of Pensylvania Honors College, Reed, and the list goes on.

Who or what might you have been in a past life? I had a dream once that I was a cobbler in a past life. Uuuuuh, Is draong a possible answer...if not, I guess pteridactal is close.

Bit of Trivia that Everyone Should Know: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words
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