(no subject)

Apr 14, 2005 09:26

To continue from where I left off:

In my class, people are mad at eachother. We have a big project coming up, and need information by a (fast approaching) deadline, but no one wants to cooperate with each other. Ah well.

Even better news:
I got into Quest's Honors program!!! or at least I have moved on to the next level of elimination rounds. I am closer than ever before, but now I must find someone to drive me to Cambridge, Mass.

For those of you who don't know what Quest is (everyone reading this, that is...), Quest is a program offered by Stanford, for "underserved and underprivleged students," i.e. poor but briliant people, and me too, evidently.

What they do is bring me (for free) to Stanford, where I will be taught all kinds of stuff all summer. They teach environmental science, buisness/school skills, and there is a community service portion. Once I get into Quest Honors, I am pretty much garunteed admition to any school--Duke, Amherst, Stanford, Berkely, whatever. FREE!

Even if the interview (which is what I am acctually going to, so I didn't acctually get in, butthis is a huge step closer) goes terribly, I might get into Quest Bridge, a different program from Quest Honors.

Quest Bridge is a program that searches for scholarships for me. Pretty sweet, eh? The website (for both) is http://questscholars.stanford.edu/index.html

And if anyone can think of a way to get me from here to Cambridge, by April 24th, I will be forever in your debt...

Alright, I'm so late for class.
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