Nov 09, 2005 00:05
Here is the thing: I would absolutely *kill* to never have to brag about my accomplishments again. That is the only thing I can't stand writing about. I don't mind college essays about how I want to end world hunger, or my opinions on our current socio-economic system...but god, if someone wants me to list my greatest accomplishments to date...I just want to shoot them in the head.
Well, I am sitting here *procrastinating* talentedly. I should be writing cover letters to the colleges I will apply to. But I am not doing it right now. I just HATE writing about myself.
I don't think I will ever go on a blind date in my life. If the person I am meeting doesn't know me, I would be forced to talk about myself. Which is even worse than writing. Cause when I talk about myself I shake, which is a bit embarrasing.
I'm eating a pomegranate right now. Truly the fruit of the gods
And speaking of higher powers...I haven't been very spiritual/in touch with things/looking to my greater goals lately. I did yoga Monday, but other than that, I suck. I need to spend some time thinking, cause I've been living for instant gratification ever since all this college stress started piling up on me. After all, "if I watch TV now, I'll have an extra half hour before I have to do stuff."
So...note to self. Also, I still haven't worked on my story. Or my real homework. Sigh