Dec 25, 2007 21:24's been a really long time since I posted. I was just cleaning up and deleting my other lj accounts and it felt good to do that. Maybe I'm totally done with high school. I hardly use this anymore it worth it? I suppose I'll keep it alive. It's the only lj I have left and it's nice. Sometimes I'm not going to have my actual journal with me but I still carry my computer all over with me. Even though I hike across campus every day - it's nice to be able to check my email about a meeting or dinner or work hours from anywhere and not have to deal with logging in and out on the school computers. College is fine - boys suck. Per usual. I miss Abby and Ian, my two best GAC friends but I'll be seeing Abby on new year's and then I'll be spending far too much time with Ian over j-term with the play plus I think he'll still be in my dance class. Yay dance guys. Even if they're gay.
Plus he'll still come to swing dancing which will be a lot of fun. I love dancing with that guy. My friend Bryce likes to tell me that I need to be more ridged in my frame and it works with him but having a tight frame and dancing with Ian doesn't work at all. I think it's a dance thing - we both have fairly fluid, continuous movement in both class and swing so it's not a problem if our frame for swing is looser. Bryce isn't another dancer outside swing though, so it makes some sense. At least in my head, and to Ian, it does. Bah.
I get to see Chester tomorrow. Super exciting. But I'm going to go have ice cream and play scrabble. I do that...