Mar 24, 2008 12:03
I moved this weekend, despite it being cold and snowy.
My friend Ryan was a gigantic help. Gigantic being the key word because after all, Ryan is 6 feet 5 inches tall. and he carried my heaviest stuff up the stairs by himself. Insane.
I am loving my new place. Its so big and has so much natural light. and it just suites me so well.
It was easy waking up yesterday and today because of the sunlight. You have to keep in mind, that I'm used to sleeping in a cave. No more gloomy basement apartments for me!
Today I timed my commute.
I walked outside of my apartment at 8:40 am.
8 minute walk to the train.
Had to wait for a 2nd train to come because first was packed to capacity.
Got on the train, had to stand, not so bad because....
9:00am I walk inside my building.
a 20 minute complete commute. So freaking sweet!
I still have lots of unpacking, but everything seems to be coming together quite nicely.