When there is an imbalance between mental and physical tiredness levels, that is when problems occur. Oftentimes I think I suffer from mental weariness, and then I feel awfully lazy because it's not hard to get yourself physically tired to even things right back up again. It's called exercise--I'm a big fan of its potential, though I don't actively practice it that much.
Mental alertness: it's like the golden fleece for college students. I hear a lot of hype about underdeveloped brains in teenagers. Does this apply for the college population? They're usually right out of the official teen years, i.e. those numbers that actually end in "teen". If my brain's completely wired the way it should be for the rest of my life, there goes my excuse :P
Tonight's a restless night for me. Can't focus on anything and yet full of unspent energy. Maybe my brain developed in pieces. That's why neurons aren't firing collectively.
Shower and maybe a little writing before bed.
For anyone who's interested, here's a SPD fic I wrote. Too afraid to post it on ff.net or elsewhere. I feel like it's out of character. *shrug* But it was fun to write.