Video Game Meme: Day 5

Oct 05, 2010 04:46

Day 5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).

If I had a banging figure and actually developed a serious port, I think Emelia of Saga Frontier would've been most like me.

Unfortunately, my life isn't that awesome and I'm not supermodel status. So this is what you get instead :)

Primiera of Saga Frontier 2
I know Saga Frontier 2 is a pretty unpopular game, so 99.9% of you definitely don't know this character. To sum her up-- she has hella mad family problems, and because of it she ran away from home, but is conflicted whether she should reconcile. Her father is a powerful lord who was fighting with another lord who happened to be the brother of her traveling companion (who also ran away from home!) Welp, forgot to add that she comes from a huge family (she's last kid of 20ish) and her father is known to be something like "Iron Dick" status.

As a playable character, Primiera kicks hella ass (martial arts & axe fighter, uses Beast Arts--stupid art gave her a halberd though...guess she did come with one). I modeled my newest 4e D&D character after her (the hair, and the running away from home shebang).

Anywho, it was hard to pin me to one character, definitely. I've played a lot of RPGs but not many of 'em were too memorable or the characters were too unrealistic (a.k.a too badass!)
Here are the runner ups: 
-Chris Lightfellow of Suikoden III (woman of few words, always surrounded by men that treat her right)
-Tengaar of Suikoden I & II (the dominant significant other)
-Herman of Romancing Saga (if I were in a fight against monsters way out of my league, I'd say the same lines as he did)
-Adelle of Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (always looking out for self, misunderstood)
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