Fic: Peril in Thine Eye 1/2

Jun 10, 2010 18:35

 Pairing: Mercutio/Romeo (unrequited) 
Rating: R
Length: 9475 words (total)
Warnings: character death (do I have to say angst?)  
Summary: Mercutio's been in love with his best friend for a long time, whether he admits it or not, but some stars cannot be defied, and he will have to confront himself and his fate. The events of the play from Mercutio's ( Read more... )

slash, r, shakespeare, romeo and juliet

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Comments 3

pargoletta June 11 2010, 13:32:42 UTC
You've been hiding a real talent, it seems! Your description of the hot and aromatic streets of Verona is gorgeous, and I love the way that you introduce characters. They've known each other all their lives, we know them intimately as well, and yet they manage to seem fresh and new. I especially liked the exchange between Mercutio and Paris on the subject of virgins vs. whores. It clearly establishes the differences between them, but you can feel their kinship and the underlying affection for each other.

On to part two.


windblownfire June 14 2010, 03:53:54 UTC
Ha, I love Paris. He's so genuine. And he's often written off as a villian, but he wasn't in the play really. And I'm really interested in exploring his and Mercutio's relationship more with your idea in mind about expanding on Mercutio's knowledge of Romeo and Juliet. I wonder what he would say to his cousin if they got to talk to each other again after the ball.


pargoletta June 14 2010, 04:39:02 UTC
Paris is just about the opposite of a villain! He's a perfectly nice, perfectly ordinary young man whose only fault is that he doesn't look at things closely enough. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Probably more of a tragic character than Romeo, in the end.


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