Gah, I don't know where the file ended up... But I had an amazing bunny back when the new Exorcist came out - remember, the prequel to the whole Batty story? That, plus that Pacino/Reeves movie The Devil's Advocate? Satan/God or rather, Satan/Jesus is damn erotic and sinfully sexy. Because you know that "back in the days" good and evil was very close together, thin line and all... and then came the clashing point where love became hate... and hate bexame hatesex. Ooh, yes. And then came seduction of the innocent and threesomes where Lucifer and Jesus tried to win some innocent for their side... with SEX. Anyway - the bible is a whole pit of seductive bunnies. Playing around with Good and Evil and the thin line between ~ mmm, so damn tasty.
I saw someone mentioned the LJ community bible slash - that's an excellent comm, really. Very good! I followed that a while. But, this is leading me to introducing you to the Bible RPG community. XD I wanted to play John so badly... you know, John, the young and beautiful follower? HAH. (just look at the icon. isn't that love? It's true... Jesuslove.)
But I had an amazing bunny back when the new Exorcist came out - remember, the prequel to the whole Batty story?
That, plus that Pacino/Reeves movie The Devil's Advocate?
Satan/God or rather, Satan/Jesus is damn erotic and sinfully sexy.
Because you know that "back in the days" good and evil was very close together, thin line and all... and then came the clashing point where love became hate... and hate bexame hatesex. Ooh, yes.
And then came seduction of the innocent and threesomes where Lucifer and Jesus tried to win some innocent for their side... with SEX.
Anyway - the bible is a whole pit of seductive bunnies. Playing around with Good and Evil and the thin line between ~ mmm, so damn tasty.
I saw someone mentioned the LJ community bible slash - that's an excellent comm, really. Very good! I followed that a while.
But, this is leading me to introducing you to the Bible RPG community. XD I wanted to play John so badly... you know, John, the young and beautiful follower? HAH.
(just look at the icon. isn't that love? It's true... Jesuslove.)
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