You know, it's been a good long while since I've been embroiled in fandom... fandomness. I've always been in that sort of lurking part of the fandom, crawling out from the darkness only to review certain fics or answer the odd ficsearch. And even though I've been in the Gundam Wing fandom for 10 years (dear god, has it been 10 years already?), I
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I wonder how many hundreds of fangirls followed the banner of that braid into the fandom...
I have never found more and better fic anywhere than I found for Gundam Wing. :( I miss it. I wish I'd gotten in the habit of keeping good records, without assuming that I'd always remember what it was and where it was, that one fic I really liked...
*sigh, tearwipe*
Oh well.
And I do adore GW fics. There's a good thread of quality all across the board, better than in alot of fandoms. I want to stab my eyes when I think of the Sailor Moon, Ranma, and other fics I read early on that I thought were "good" but now realize are all mary sues, self insertion, or godmodding with characters.
And if you want a fic, ask! I can probably remember it and/or find it. XD
How about the time-travel fic where traumatized and bitter Duo (or rather, 02) travelled back in time to save Heero from dying of self destruct, in order to change the future?
How about the... okay, I remember where to find the Confessor series, and I remember the title "Asylum" even if I don't remember who wrote it, and.... I can't remember any other fics right now. :(
The time travel one I remember reading and being tormented and I think it's on jana's site. Aahh... it's "Cadence of Time" by Spooks! Yay for and their recs list.
Confessor Series is by Annabelle and archived on GWA. "Asylum" is also by Spooks.
annabelle's confessor is completed, but the folloring sequels are not :( ...and she's left the fandom. (hmmm... sounds like someone else i know...)
and you LIE! you're in the fandom because heero likes tentacles and short skirts with panties. ;)
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