This thread from
ontd_political has
the absolute most hilarious comments ever. How can you not like a thread with gems like this:
Most people outside of the U.S. don't realize this, but the delegates of the Constitutional Convention were overwhelmingly composed of two prominent groups within early American society: zombies and vampires.
Ben Franklin, of course, was a werewolf.
And this:
I seriously think that everyone in the Tea Party thinks the Founding Fathers were like the Justice League or something, battling evil, tyranny and injustice everywhere they found it. The Founding Fathers were NOT a superhero team, completely infallible and always right. Although the thought of George Washington as Superman, Thomas Jefferson as Batman and Ben Franklin as the Flash is an amusing thought.
And, of course, this beautiful summation of history wherein it is explained how the Founding Fathers abolished slavery:
john adams and john hancock. see, they built a time mechine, and used to to lanch them selfs forwards in time and join forces with ab lincon after there time mechine exploded upon reentry. together, the trio hacked, slashed, shot and killed there way across the south, till they finaly had an epic duel with the forces of slavery in the captial of the confedates. john adams, an old man, was mortaly wounded, and lay dieing. then, albert enstine steped in. claiming that history must be repaired, he took adams and hancock, and transported them back to there own time, lieing adams upon his death bed.
then, with his work complate, slavery abolished, and the time line restored, enstine nodded with statsfaction, and went to pick up stephen hawking, for there own trip to the future...
Politics, comics, and time traveling zombie historical figures. Of course I love this stuff.