Because I'm a geeky gamer girl

Oct 28, 2008 21:03

This was made by the same guy who did Dead Fantasy I and Dead Fantasy II, so you know it's good. Haloid is a crossover of Halo and Metroid (if you couldn't tell), so Master Chief vs. Samus Aran is a go.


It totally gets fanservice-y at the end though, because... well, a fanboy made this. And Samus has a Zero Suit form. :P


Lies. It gets fanservice-y halfway through once Samus goes Zero Suit. But it's even more fanservice-y at the end. And after the credits, that is so much fanservice that I am quite embarrassed for all fanboys everywhere.

But the animation is very good!

pimping, fanservice, gaming, geekery, babble

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