[Having spent the time between the
phone call and the present reading and doing his best to not think about how this talk would turn out, the only thing that had kept Wufei from leaving town without following through on his appointed meet-up time was his respect for Heero and a few of Dorothy's comments that would not leave him alone. That didn't mean he was looking forward to the coming conversation, or that he felt ready.
In a way, the conversation itself would only be another step in finding some way to redeem himself. Pain only made you stronger, so long as you were strong enough to bear it. Setting these thoughts aside - there was something more important at hand - he braced himself and knocked on Heero's door. The phone conversation hadn't made it seem like the other harbored any ill will toward him, but it was always possible. He would deserve whatever he received, and be glad of the time spent with his former comrade.]