laik (1:55:13 AM): SO....
laik (1:55:16 AM): you wanted to RP?
wind_wisp (1:55:22 AM): yah
wind_wisp (1:58:05 AM): What do you want to do?
laik (1:58:34 AM): I should ask you. :o
wind_wisp (2:02:22 AM): sorry, back.
wind_wisp (2:02:26 AM): Hmm, what's your favorite type of rp?
laik (2:02:36 AM): Uh, whatever?
laik (2:02:37 AM): What types are there?
wind_wisp (2:03:02 AM): FAntasy, post-apocolypse, animals, wild-range land, sarcastic, humorous, etc.
wind_wisp (2:03:06 AM): Any story genre you can think of, we can play.
laik (9:31:01 AM): Dunno, you choose. :O
wind_wisp (9:31:44 AM): Hmmm
wind_wisp (9:31:50 AM): Well . . .
wind_wisp (9:31:57 AM): I have had this odd little plot bunny for a while . . .
laik (9:32:12 AM): Sure!
wind_wisp (9:32:42 AM): It's post-apoc, but not really, it's just a different fantasy-techno-like world who happen to be in ruins.
wind_wisp (9:32:55 AM): And people have weird psychic powers, etc, all the typical stuff.
wind_wisp (9:33:12 AM): Except these two guys who happen to travel together (they don't want to, they're just traveling the same way) come across this little kid.
wind_wisp (9:33:25 AM): And this little kid is like powerful, and they're like, I don't want her, you keep her, I do'nt want her, you keep her.
laik (9:33:39 AM): lol
wind_wisp (9:34:12 AM): So basically it would be the scene of them finding the girl.
wind_wisp (9:34:20 AM): Do you want play this, or something else?
laik (9:34:36 AM): Sure.
wind_wisp (9:34:48 AM): On your lj?
laik (9:35:39 AM): Wait.
laik (9:35:45 AM): Oh, that kinda RP?
laik (9:35:53 AM): I thought it was over AIM.
wind_wisp (9:35:58 AM): Sure.
wind_wisp (9:36:03 AM): We can do that too.
wind_wisp (9:36:06 AM): Here?
laik (9:36:30 AM): Sure.
wind_wisp (9:36:37 AM): You start, then.
laik (9:37:53 AM): So is it like, we each play a different character?
laik (9:37:57 AM): Or it is FFA?
wind_wisp (9:38:01 AM): FFA?
laik (9:38:04 AM): free for all
wind_wisp (9:38:23 AM): I'm used to the first, but if you want, we can play FFA.
laik (9:39:11 AM): I'm used to the first too
wind_wisp (9:39:48 AM): Well, you're teh guest.
wind_wisp (9:39:51 AM): So you decide and start.
laik (9:46:26 AM): Hm
laik (9:46:26 AM): It's a lot harder when you're using original characters.
wind_wisp (9:46:48 AM): I always thought it was easier.
wind_wisp (9:46:56 AM): Snce you could just make stuff up and not have to be all IC.
laik (9:50:36 AM):
laik (9:50:49 AM): I just fail at writing.
laik (9:50:51 AM): YOu star. ><
laik (9:50:53 AM): start
wind_wisp (9:51:02 AM): I've never started on AIM before!
laik (9:51:43 AM): ><
laik (9:51:54 AM): try ittt
wind_wisp (9:52:01 AM): Er, do I need descriptions?
laik (9:52:38 AM): ...I dunno, however you do it
wind_wisp (9:52:55 AM): I feel funny . . .
wind_wisp (9:52:57 AM): but all right.
wind_wisp (9:53:20 AM): The days had stretched into one long monotonous moment, without an end or a beginning or even a middle on some days.
wind_wisp (9:54:31 AM): The government pulled out false promises of aid and help on a regular basis, until it became like a magic act where the rabbit never damn appeared. To be frank, Dominique was sick and tired of this. Walking everyday for miles just to spot a town with ruined buildings, where nobody lived there anymore.
wind_wisp (9:54:43 AM): It was worse when there were dead bodies, because they rotted and smelled and attracted the white maggots.
wind_wisp (9:54:51 AM): It was even worse when the other guy came too.
wind_wisp (9:55:17 AM): 'going the same way,' right. The other guy had no idea of Dominique's past or mission, but seemed set on the idea that they must be going the same way.
wind_wisp (9:55:24 AM): So that's how it began, in other words.
wind_wisp (9:55:57 AM): Dominque poking around the rubble, wearily looking for survivors and/or food, knowing the other guy would soon come and bother him all over again.
wind_wisp (9:56:04 AM): [/end]
laik (9:57:07 AM): (Why are you so good at this?)
wind_wisp (9:57:18 AM): [it sucks, hurry up and post
wind_wisp (9:57:20 AM): ]
laik (10:00:49 AM): Ronad liked to think himself as a friendly sort of person with other people. It was just simply better when there was someone else to be with.
laik (10:01:43 AM): Of course, having four other siblings, it was kind of unsurprisingly he liked to talk a lot too.
laik (10:03:45 AM): And, since he was part of a curious species, Ronad was naturally inquisitive, and longed to see whether the rest of the world was really as dank, desolate, and isolated as he heard.
laik (10:04:18 AM): So he decided to leave the household and go on his Magical Journey to the Unknown.
laik (10:07:57 AM): Not that he had any idea where he was going.
laik (10:08:38 AM): So he did the next best thing -- find another person and accompany them!
laik (10:08:42 AM): (GOGOGO)
wind_wisp (10:09:14 AM): [Right!]
wind_wisp (10:10:52 AM): Dominque held in his deep sigh when he heard the familiar footsteps of Ronad, the Cheerful Doofus from Nowhere. He took a final stab at the desolate building, watching as the gray wall partially crumbled in his hands, before he turned to face this other man.
wind_wisp (10:11:57 AM): "What is it now?" he asked impatiently. "What do you want?"
wind_wisp (10:12:01 AM): [/end]
laik (10:14:10 AM): "Just wondering what you're planning to find looking through all this." Ronad gestured the pathetic-looking walls around the area. "Did you lose something?"
wind_wisp (10:16:25 AM): "If only I lost you," Dominique breathed to himself, turning again. "No. I was looking for food. This town used to be the largest metropolitan city of this country. If there was food anywhere within five miles, this would be it." He pulled open the door and watched it fall to the ground, waving away the pile of dust.
wind_wisp (10:16:48 AM): "If you insist on following me," he said, not looking at Ronad, "then stay close. Or else I can't guarantee your protection."
laik (10:26:07 AM): Ronad nodded and followed Domnique inside. "I'm touched you care about my safety," he said with a smirk.
laik (10:26:19 AM): (not done yet)
laik (10:29:06 AM): He wasn't stupid -- he could tell that Domnique didn't like him. It was entirely amusing, enjoying the tic on Domnique's face twitch sporadically whenever Ronad said...well, anything.
laik (10:30:16 AM): But Domnique was an interesting person to follow around. At least Ronad managed to latch onto someone useful this time.
laik (10:30:16 AM): (end)
laik (10:31:01 AM): (oh noes, maybe I should make him ask dominique moar questions)
laik (10:31:09 AM): (ah, later)
wind_wisp (10:31:34 AM): [Ther'es always time later~]
wind_wisp (10:33:29 AM): "Concerned about your safety?" Dominique snorted. This delusional fool was almost amusing sometimes. Though, if given the opprotunity, Dominique would trade Ronad for a dog. "You misunderstand. If you--a bumbling idiot--are left to roam free, then you might endanger us both."
wind_wisp (10:33:41 AM): "And I, for one, have no intention of being marred by your intense stupidity."
wind_wisp (10:35:38 AM): Dominique strode carefully into the room, testing the aged floor with a disgusted air. Ronad the leech would have to follow behind, if he knew what was good for himself. In the meanwhile, Dominique kept his senses alert, in the frail case of any survivors. This place had been a house, once, he judged. It wasn't a very big building, but there were aged paintings on the wall, pictures that had deteriorated into a mere sheen of film where happy memories were once plastered.
wind_wisp (10:36:01 AM): Dominique idly picked up a frame, running his finger over hte sharp edges almost morbidly, staring into the pictures that once were.
wind_wisp (10:36:40 AM): "You didn't answer my first question, anyway," he said absently. "What are you doing here?"
wind_wisp (10:36:42 AM): [/end]
wind_wisp (10:37:26 AM): [Do you know what to do with that APUSH worksheet? What do the letters have to match up with, anyway?]
laik (10:38:16 AM): (They correspond to an event name.)
laik (10:42:05 AM): "I told you, I'm going the same way you're going," Ronad said slowly, as if repeating it to a five-year-old. "Since we're both solo travellers, I think we're looking for the same kind of necessities on the way, aren't we? Might as well stick together, just to be safe."
laik (10:54:57 AM): Boots clunking, he walked over to what used to be the kitchen and started opening various cabinets in search of some edible stuffs. This house must have been popular with the survivors, for there was scarcely anything left -- probably all raided by previous scavengers like him. Ronad opened another cabinet and saw a half loaf of bread -- most likely stale -- sitting on the bottom surface. The words "LOVE KEEPS THE WORLD GO ROUND; PLEASE LEAVE SOME FOR LATER" were written in blank ink on the plastic wrapper, with a couple "thanks" scribbled below the words.
laik (10:55:23 AM): Ronad grabbed the entire thing and plopped it on the counter. "Look what I found."
laik (10:55:29 AM): (end)
wind_wisp (11:02:08 AM): Hmph. For once, this street rat had discovered something. Dominique put down the picture with a strange reluctance and a bitter taste in his mouth, and took the plastic wrapper curiously. Ah, human kindness. He had almost forgotten that sometimes, it still lived. Even in the form of the possibly moldy and obviously stale bread. "You're semi-useful after all, rat. Split the bread in half and we'll be on our way."
wind_wisp (11:03:42 AM): He glanced at the picture again, a lingering look of ugliness and sorrow. "I doubt we'll find anything else here." He drew his cloak closer around his throat and briskly gave a last cursory search around the room, a needling sensation beginning to impress upon him. He tried to dismiss it, but the harried feeling only increased. Finally, he turned to Ronad.
wind_wisp (11:04:35 AM): "Your opinion is usually worthless," Dominique said. "But for once, your childish imbecility may be of some help. Do you sense anything wrong?"
wind_wisp (11:04:42 AM): [should we introduce the girl or keep going?]
wind_wisp (11:04:47 AM): [/end]
laik (11:08:57 AM): (sure)
laik (11:11:58 AM): (BTW, does everyone have psychic powers?)
wind_wisp (11:12:27 AM): [Dominique doesn't.]
laik (11:13:01 AM): (Oh, i thought he did because that "needling sensation")/
wind_wisp (11:13:38 AM): [I guess he sorta does, then, but it's more like that feeling you get right before the math test sorta thing.]
wind_wisp (11:13:48 AM): [not really psychic, just . . . more obvious to some people than others?]
laik (11:14:15 AM): (oh, because I was gonna make Ronad psychically inept too)
wind_wisp (11:14:24 AM): [All right, Dominique has powers, then.]
wind_wisp (11:14:28 AM): [mwahahahaha]
laik (11:14:38 AM): (or, they could both really suck at it.)
laik (11:15:03 AM): (although pretty stupid too.)
laik (11:15:18 AM): (Because I'm guessing having psychic powers mean you can live better.)
laik (11:15:26 AM): (and not get killed as much)
wind_wisp (11:15:40 AM): [perhaps not as much]
wind_wisp (11:15:48 AM): [don't worry about it, we'll just make it up as we go]
laik (11:19:55 AM): "No need to be such a sour grouch. All you need to say is 'bad boy' and I get it," Ronad pouted at Domnique's comments. "And I can't sense anything -- I'm bad at this psychic thing. Looks like a regular, beaten down house to me." He shrugged sheepishly, genuinely apologetic for his lack of supernatural prowess. "But if you think so, we can check this comb this place more."
laik (11:19:58 AM): (end)
wind_wisp (11:24:01 AM): Right. Dominique almost had forgotten about Ronad's inability for anything serious/important. He touched the picture again, wiping away the dirt with his thumb. It left a thin layer of greasy film on his skin. He had to swallow hard to bite back the sudden bile that rose in his throat. Something was severely wrong here, and he suddenly felt almost dizzy in pain. But he kept his back to Ronad, trying to stifle his pain quickly before the dog noticed and had some cheerful cliched remark about sunshine and puppies. Bugger the puppies, they had important things to do.
"We should," Dominique said carefully. "Maybe there's a . . . " Darkness. Water. ". . . basement here somewhere. Keep on looking around, check for any doors."
And he touched the picture again.
"Be quick."
wind_wisp (11:24:04 AM): [/end]
laik (11:24:43 AM): (Oooh, that's pretty creepy. :x)
laik (11:24:53 AM): I got chills down my spine from reading that.
wind_wisp (11:25:13 AM): Huh? How?
laik (11:25:35 AM): (...You don't realize it. >< It's scary.)
wind_wisp (11:26:18 AM): [I see . . . really bad writing and 'bugger the puppies.']
wind_wisp (11:26:22 AM): [your turn!]
laik (11:31:14 AM): "'Be quick'...?" Ronad blinked, but began searching anyway. Since he was psychically inept himself, Ronad hardly had any inclination to disbelieve Dominique's creepy inferences.
laik (11:36:06 AM): He opened up a door beside the stained refrigerator and jumped back with a barely-restrained yell as a cluster of cockroaches scuttled past his feet and into the holes in te corners. Ronad let out his breath slowly, holding back a shiver that threatened to run down his spin.
laik (11:36:17 AM): Cockroaches. He saw them all the time but they were still pretty gross.
laik (11:37:57 AM): Turned out the door led a predictably-empty pantry. Ronad shut it and glanced inconspicuously at Dominique, hoping the grumpy man didn't see him freanking out over a few bugs.
laik (11:38:08 AM): (lol, sorry, i'm doing a lot of filler. ><)
laik (11:39:33 AM): (and, I'm thinking the door should be hidden. :O)
laik (11:40:14 AM): (/end)
laik signed off at 11:40:20 AM.
laik signed on at 11:40:34 AM.
laik (11:40:37 AM): NOOOO
laik (11:40:40 AM): AIM CRASHED ON ME
wind_wisp (11:40:42 AM): ?
laik (11:40:43 AM): I lost the entire chat log!
laik (11:40:48 AM): save it save it
wind_wisp (11:40:48 AM): I didn't.
laik (11:41:02 AM): ><
laik (11:41:07 AM): do you still see it?
laik (11:41:29 AM): Did you get my message?
laik (11:41:34 AM): The last RP one.
wind_wisp (11:41:37 AM): I got to [/end]
laik (11:41:41 AM): okay
wind_wisp (11:41:43 AM): Did you have anything after that?
laik (11:41:44 AM): save the entire chat log~
laik (11:41:45 AM): no.
wind_wisp (11:41:49 AM): Good.
wind_wisp (11:41:51 AM): Yes, it's saved.
wind_wisp (11:42:05 AM): I planned to post it on my livejournal anyways, for future reference.
laik (11:42:26 AM): yaaaay :D
wind_wisp (11:42:55 AM): I don't think that was filler.
laik (11:43:17 AM): (Okay. :x)
wind_wisp (11:43:45 AM): [After all, filler is only used as a semi-abusive term for Naruto episodes.]
laik (11:43:51 AM): (haha.)
wind_wisp (11:49:35 AM): Dominique noticed Ronad's little jump, but ignored Ronad's questioning puppy dog eyes. He himself barely moved as the cockroaches scuttled past his feet, small brown bugs with slender feelers that moved by the masses. But oddly enough, the thought repulsed him--small feelers--small eyes--so many, crawling everywhere--in the ceilings, in the kitchen, in the sink--
A wave of nausea passed over him suddenly, and he looked away again from Ronad. But this time the pain was becoming more definite, more solid, his bones ached and hurt and chaned, and he felt his brain throb against his skull, and he rested on the doorway frame, trying to breathe with his weary lungs. Were there blood on his hands? Was it just him? The evil presence loomed over him, more real than Ronad's sheepish look.
"Where's the damn door?" He pushed past Ronad, impatiently knocking at the walls, hoping to find some hollowness. "There's got to be a door. Stop standing there like a new-born idiot and start looking!" Dominique felt his brain pulse again, and a high keening worry sharepn within himself.
"She's in trouble," he said gruffly, knocking at the walls again. "We have to help her . . . "
wind_wisp (11:50:10 AM): [hm, I was thinking about making the door special so only Ronad could touch it]
wind_wisp (11:50:24 AM): [oh, and it's Sarana's birthday on the 17th! Make sure you draw her something~]
laik (11:50:54 AM): (OMG! :O)
laik (11:50:55 AM): (OK!)
laik (11:51:10 AM): (but Ronad is unspecial. :O)
wind_wisp (11:51:51 AM): [Wrong way of looking at things! Ronad is special. If the door was sealed by somebody with strong psychic powers, then the door could kill Dominique but Ronad would be like, 'Hey! Door! Whoo-hoo! -victory dance-"]
wind_wisp (11:52:05 AM): [while D is like "x.x"]
laik (11:52:29 AM): (Ooooooh, I get it!)
laik (11:53:04 AM): (I thought it would be like Uncle -- "Magic must defeat magic!")
wind_wisp (11:53:32 AM): [pssssh]
laik (11:53:33 AM): (BRUSHING MY TEETH BRB)
laik (11:57:41 AM): (OK!)
laik (12:04:34 PM): "Who's 'her'? She's here?" Ronad asked, following suite and knocking on the walls. Even though he couldn't sense the signals of doom in his own head, for Dominique to get more serious than before meant that the situation was urgent.
laik (12:05:39 PM): He rapped his knuckles quickly on the walls.
Nok, nok, nok, nok, kon, kon, nok -- wait, what was that?
laik (12:16:43 PM): Ronad backpedaled a couple steps to the back corner of the living room and knocked again. It was...hollow, was it? The walls seemed pretty thick, but there was something not quite right.
He brushed his fingers around the height where a door handle should be. Nothing. Ronad frowned.
"Dominique, over here," he called.
wind_wisp (12:22:51 PM): Dominique backpedaled to where Ronad stood. Hmph, Ronad had a certain self-assured air around him, like a puppy who knew it had done good. And perhaps he did. He kept his paces measured, eyes focused, so the girl's voice would stop screaming. The evil wrapped around him the closer he drew to Ronad, and in the end, he could barely even see Ronad. His vision was faltering badly, especially when he brushed his fingers against the cold wall.
"The door must be behind here." It must be. It had to be. Because if the screaming wouldn't stop . . . He gripped Ronad's shoulder, trying to make it seem like an angry action instead of a helpless one. In reality, Dominique was becoming even fainter. That picture . . . this wall . . . He shook Ronad gruffly. "Knock down that damn wall. I'd do it myself, but I would hope that your dense head would be good for something."
How could Ronad not even be affected by this pressure? It was like a cold evil had crept upon the house and they were surrounded. Dominique could feel his sweat rolling down his forehead, and how hte darkness was eating away at him. The stingent pain never faded, and he had to continue to push down this strange fear. But if Ronad was too stupid to feel this, it might be for the better.
"Hurry," Dominique said. "The little girl . . . she's behind here. You have to save her." He swallowed once, trying to find moisture for his desert-dry lips. "Save her . . . "
wind_wisp (12:23:21 PM): [/end]
wind_wisp (12:23:34 PM): [I like how all my endings are like, 'blaaaaargh! blarh gljifeih gjij blarhg!']
laik (12:25:37 PM): ( I don't like my writing. )
wind_wisp (12:26:13 PM): [:O Why not? This is, like, the most fun RP I've ever played! Your character is so cute and your writing is so simple, it's kinda pretty.]
laik (12:28:19 PM): (When are you going to sleep? )
wind_wisp (12:29:43 PM): [eh, iono]
wind_wisp (12:29:53 PM): [I'm not actually doing homework right now, so I'm actually pretty awake]
laik (12:30:22 PM): :D
laik (12:30:23 PM): awesome
laik (12:51:13 PM): Ronad winced at the clutch Dominique on his shoulder, but nodded in acknowledgement. He could see the other man's eyes glaring at something that wasn't quite in front of his eyes -- it was times like these when he was thankful he wasn't gifted with a "gift."
He went back a couple steps and quickly gave his legs a quick stretch. Keep his eyes fixed on the (very) solid-looking wall, Ronad stepped forward and swung his leg into it as hard as he could. The plaster was weak and crumbled easily... Almost too easily. Expecting more resistance, Ronad lost his balance as the wall broke, and he found his leg stuck in a large hole in the wall.
"Shit!" He hopped back to drag his leg out, and began kicking down more of the wall with haste. It was good Ronad hadn't manage to break the entire wall down at once, otherwise he would have barrelled down an unexpected staircase underground. Beside that, however, was the stench of....something wafting from below that caused his throat to gag.
wind_wisp (12:52:33 PM): [/end?]
laik (12:52:47 PM): (yes'm)
laik (12:52:53 PM): (I'm tired. :o)
wind_wisp (12:53:02 PM): [We can stop here, if you'd like.]
wind_wisp (12:53:16 PM): [I can just save this on my lj and we can pick up tmorrow]
laik (12:53:38 PM): ( I wanna hear yoursss though. _
wind_wisp (12:53:49 PM): [Well, all right.]
laik (12:53:58 PM): yaaay
wind_wisp (12:57:33 PM): Dominique knew that stench, though he couldn't quite place it at the moment. He knew it well, for some reason. Filth? Dirt? Years of being cooped up? Evil? Binds? He couldn't remember, except for a flitting memory of his past. He clutched his throat and nose, feeling it burn down his nasal passage and lungs. And he had to sit down on the molding couch, trying to catch a breath. Down there--there was evil--could Ronad really not sense it? Obviously not, by Ronad's little act with his leg and the wall. If Dominique had been feeling better, he would have laughed unproariously.
"We should . . . go down . . . " Dominique stood up, staggering. The pull of evil crawled under his skin, probing his very bones in a menacing manner. Something old was down there, but something good was down there, as well. "There's . . . a girl . . . "
laik (12:58:53 PM): (ooooh~~)
wind_wisp (1:00:33 PM): He could barely make out his words. "A girl . . . she's . . . " He coughed uncomfortably, still holding his nose. Even if he wasn't actively inhaling it, the stench lingered in his body, a taunting reminder. "She's trapped. We have to go rescue her."
He wasn't sure why he wanted to rescue her. She was just a girl, and he would have been happy to leave her to death, to take the bread and leave. But this sense of goodness compelled him, just as the sense of evil had crushed his body and mind into small pieces. It wasn't even active evil, but simply a general barrier. For once, he was glad that the annoying brat, Ronad, had come along.
Long hair of blond
"Come on," he said hoarsely, holding part of his coat sleeve against his nose and mouth. "We need to go down."
But the darkness seemed so empty, down below . . .
wind_wisp (1:00:35 PM): [/end]
laik (1:01:55 PM): (Wowowwowowo~~)
wind_wisp (1:02:35 PM): [whoosh, the quality decreases the more tired I get D:]
wind_wisp (1:02:41 PM): [so are you going to sleep now?]
laik (1:02:50 PM): (Yeah. )
wind_wisp (1:02:51 PM): [I have to change sns and stuff before I post, unforuddamently]
laik (1:02:53 PM): (You too.)
laik (1:02:57 PM): (orly)
wind_wisp (1:03:07 PM): [kinda useless]
laik (1:03:10 PM): well, hurry up, ho
wind_wisp (1:03:10 PM): [only I visit my lj]
wind_wisp (1:03:14 PM): Right-o
laik (1:03:16 PM): :D
laik (1:03:21 PM): Night~~ T'was fun.
laik signed off at 1:03:25 PM.
wind_wisp: The days had stretched into one long monotonous moment, without an end or a beginning or even a middle on some days. The government pulled out false promises of aid and help on a regular basis, until it became like a magic act where the rabbit never damn appeared.
To be frank, Dominique was sick and tired of this. Walking everyday for miles just to spot a town with ruined buildings, where nobody lived there anymore. It was worse when there were dead bodies, because they rotted and smelled and attracted the white maggots.
It was even worse when the other guy came too.
'going the same way,' right. The other guy had no idea of Dominique's past or mission, but seemed set on the idea that they must be going the same way.
So that's how it began, in other words.
Dominque poking around the rubble, wearily looking for survivors and/or food, knowing the other guy would soon come and bother him all over again.
: [/end]
laik: Ronad liked to think himself as a friendly sort of person with other people. It was just simply better when there was someone else to be with. Of course, having four other siblings, it was kind of unsurprisingly he liked to talk a lot too. And, since he was part of a curious species, Ronad was naturally inquisitive, and longed to see whether the rest of the world was really as dank, desolate, and isolated as he heard. So he decided to leave the household and go on his Magical Journey to the Unknown.
Not that he had any idea where he was going.
So he did the next best thing -- find another person and accompany them!
wind_wisp: Dominque held in his deep sigh when he heard the familiar footsteps of Ronad, the Cheerful Doofus from Nowhere. He took a final stab at the desolate building, watching as the gray wall partially crumbled in his hands, before he turned to face this other man.
"What is it now?" he asked impatiently. "What do you want?"
laik: “Just wondering what you're planning to find looking through all this." Ronad gestured the pathetic-looking walls around the area. "Did you lose something?"
"If only I lost you," Dominique breathed to himself, turning again. "No. I was looking for food. This town used to be the largest metropolitan city of this country. If there was food anywhere within five miles, this would be it." He pulled open the door and watched it fall to the ground, waving away the pile of dust.
"If you insist on following me," he said, not looking at Ronad, "then stay close. Or else I can't guarantee your protection."
Ronad nodded and followed Domnique inside. "I'm touched you care about my safety," he said with a smirk.
He wasn't stupid -- he could tell that Domnique didn't like him. It was entirely amusing, enjoying the tic on Domnique's face twitch sporadically whenever Ronad said...well, anything.
But Domnique was an interesting person to follow around. At least Ronad managed to latch onto someone useful this time.
: (end)
wind_wisp: "Concerned about your safety?" Dominique snorted. This delusional fool was almost amusing sometimes. Though, if given the opprotunity, Dominique would trade Ronad for a dog.
"You misunderstand. If you--a bumbling idiot--are left to roam free, then you might endanger us both. And I, for one, have no intention of being marred by your intense stupidity."
Dominique strode carefully into the room, testing the aged floor with a disgusted air. Ronad the leech would have to follow behind, if he knew what was good for himself. In the meanwhile, Dominique kept his senses alert, in the frail case of any survivors. This place had been a house, once, he judged. It wasn't a very big building, but there were aged paintings on the wall, pictures that had deteriorated into a mere sheen of film where happy memories were once plastered.
Dominique idly picked up a frame, running his finger over hte sharp edges almost morbidly, staring into the pictures that once were.
"You didn't answer my first question, anyway," he said absently. "What are you doing here?"
: [/end]
laik: "I told you, I'm going the same way you're going," Ronad said slowly, as if repeating it to a five-year-old. "Since we're both solo travellers, I think we're looking for the same kind of necessities on the way, aren't we? Might as well stick together, just to be safe."
Boots clunking, he walked over to what used to be the kitchen and started opening various cabinets in search of some edible stuffs. This house must have been popular with the survivors, for there was scarcely anything left -- probably all raided by previous scavengers like him. Ronad opened another cabinet and saw a half loaf of bread -- most likely stale -- sitting on the bottom surface. The words "LOVE KEEPS THE WORLD GO ROUND; PLEASE LEAVE SOME FOR LATER" were written in blank ink on the plastic wrapper, with a couple "thanks" scribbled below the words.
Ronad grabbed the entire thing and plopped it on the counter. "Look what I found."
: (end)
wind_wisp: Hmph. For once, this street rat had discovered something. Dominique put down the picture with a strange reluctance and a bitter taste in his mouth, and took the plastic wrapper curiously. Ah, human kindness. He had almost forgotten that sometimes, it still lived. Even in the form of the possibly moldy and obviously stale bread. "You're semi-useful after all, rat. Split the bread in half and we'll be on our way."
He glanced at the picture again, a lingering look of ugliness and sorrow. "I doubt we'll find anything else here." He drew his cloak closer around his throat and briskly gave a last cursory search around the room, a needling sensation beginning to impress upon him. He tried to dismiss it, but the harried feeling only increased. Finally, he turned to Ronad.
"Your opinion is usually worthless," Dominique said. "But for once, your childish imbecility may be of some help. Do you sense anything wrong?"
laik: "No need to be such a sour grouch. All you need to say is 'bad boy' and I get it," Ronad pouted at Domnique's comments. "And I can't sense anything -- I'm bad at this psychic thing. Looks like a regular, beaten down house to me." He shrugged sheepishly, genuinely apologetic for his lack of supernatural prowess. "But if you think so, we can check this comb this place more."
: (end)
wind_wisp: Right. Dominique almost had forgotten about Ronad's inability for anything serious/important. He touched the picture again, wiping away the dirt with his thumb. It left a thin layer of greasy film on his skin. He had to swallow hard to bite back the sudden bile that rose in his throat. Something was severely wrong here, and he suddenly felt almost dizzy in pain. But he kept his back to Ronad, trying to stifle his pain quickly before the dog noticed and had some cheerful cliched remark about sunshine and puppies. Bugger the puppies, they had important things to do.
"We should," Dominique said carefully. "Maybe there's a . . . " Darkness. Water. ". . . basement here somewhere. Keep on looking around, check for any doors."
And he touched the picture again.
"Be quick."
: [/end]
laik: "'Be quick'...?" Ronad blinked, but began searching anyway. Since he was psychically inept himself, Ronad hardly had any inclination to disbelieve Dominique's creepy inferences.
He opened up a door beside the stained refrigerator and jumped back with a barely-restrained yell as a cluster of cockroaches scuttled past his feet and into the holes in te corners. Ronad let out his breath slowly, holding back a shiver that threatened to run down his spin.
Cockroaches. He saw them all the time but they were still pretty gross.
Turned out the door led a predictably-empty pantry. Ronad shut it and glanced inconspicuously at Dominique, hoping the grumpy man didn't see him freanking out over a few bugs.
: (/end)
wind_wisp: Dominique noticed Ronad's little jump, but ignored Ronad's questioning puppy dog eyes. He himself barely moved as the cockroaches scuttled past his feet, small brown bugs with slender feelers that moved by the masses. But oddly enough, the thought repulsed him--small feelers--small eyes--so many, crawling everywhere--in the ceilings, in the kitchen, in the sink--
A wave of nausea passed over him suddenly, and he looked away again from Ronad. But this time the pain was becoming more definite, more solid, his bones ached and hurt and chaned, and he felt his brain throb against his skull, and he rested on the doorway frame, trying to breathe with his weary lungs. Were there blood on his hands? Was it just him? The evil presence loomed over him, more real than Ronad's sheepish look.
"Where's the damn door?" He pushed past Ronad, impatiently knocking at the walls, hoping to find some hollowness. "There's got to be a door. Stop standing there like a new-born idiot and start looking!" Dominique felt his brain pulse again, and a high keening worry sharepn within himself.
"She's in trouble," he said gruffly, knocking at the walls again. "We have to help her . . . "
laik: "Who's 'her'? She's here?" Ronad asked, following suite and knocking on the walls. Even though he couldn't sense the signals of doom in his own head, for Dominique to get more serious than before meant that the situation was urgent.
He rapped his knuckles quickly on the walls.
Nok, nok, nok, nok, kon, kon, nok -- wait, what was that?
Ronad backpedaled a couple steps to the back corner of the living room and knocked again. It was...hollow, was it? The walls seemed pretty thick, but there was something not quite right.
He brushed his fingers around the height where a door handle should be. Nothing. Ronad frowned.
"Dominique, over here," he called.
wind_wisp: Dominique backpedaled to where Ronad stood. Hmph, Ronad had a certain self-assured air around him, like a puppy who knew it had done good. And perhaps he did. He kept his paces measured, eyes focused, so the girl's voice would stop screaming. The evil wrapped around him the closer he drew to Ronad, and in the end, he could barely even see Ronad. His vision was faltering badly, especially when he brushed his fingers against the cold wall.
"The door must be behind here." It must be. It had to be. Because if the screaming wouldn't stop . . . He gripped Ronad's shoulder, trying to make it seem like an angry action instead of a helpless one. In reality, Dominique was becoming even fainter. That picture . . . this wall . . . He shook Ronad gruffly. "Knock down that damn wall. I'd do it myself, but I would hope that your dense head would be good for something."
How could Ronad not even be affected by this pressure? It was like a cold evil had crept upon the house and they were surrounded. Dominique could feel his sweat rolling down his forehead, and how hte darkness was eating away at him. The stingent pain never faded, and he had to continue to push down this strange fear. But if Ronad was too stupid to feel this, it might be for the better.
"Hurry," Dominique said. "The little girl . . . she's behind here. You have to save her." He swallowed once, trying to find moisture for his desert-dry lips. "Save her . . . "
laik: Ronad winced at the clutch Dominique on his shoulder, but nodded in acknowledgement. He could see the other man's eyes glaring at something that wasn't quite in front of his eyes -- it was times like these when he was thankful he wasn't gifted with a "gift."
He went back a couple steps and quickly gave his legs a quick stretch. Keep his eyes fixed on the (very) solid-looking wall, Ronad stepped forward and swung his leg into it as hard as he could. The plaster was weak and crumbled easily... Almost too easily. Expecting more resistance, Ronad lost his balance as the wall broke, and he found his leg stuck in a large hole in the wall.
"Shit!" He hopped back to drag his leg out, and began kicking down more of the wall with haste. It was good Ronad hadn't manage to break the entire wall down at once, otherwise he would have barrelled down an unexpected staircase underground. Beside that, however, was the stench of....something wafting from below that caused his throat to gag.
wind_wisp: Dominique knew that stench, though he couldn't quite place it at the moment. He knew it well, for some reason. Filth? Dirt? Years of being cooped up? Evil? Binds? He couldn't remember, except for a flitting memory of his past. He clutched his throat and nose, feeling it burn down his nasal passage and lungs. And he had to sit down on the molding couch, trying to catch a breath. Down there--there was evil--could Ronad really not sense it? Obviously not, by Ronad's little act with his leg and the wall. If Dominique had been feeling better, he would have laughed unproariously.
"We should . . . go down . . . " Dominique stood up, staggering. The pull of evil crawled under his skin, probing his very bones in a menacing manner. Something old was down there, but something good was down there, as well. "There's . . . a girl . . . "
He could barely make out his words. "A girl . . . she's . . . " He coughed uncomfortably, still holding his nose. Even if he wasn't actively inhaling it, the stench lingered in his body, a taunting reminder. "She's trapped. We have to go rescue her."
He wasn't sure why he wanted to rescue her. She was just a girl, and he would have been happy to leave her to death, to take the bread and leave. But this sense of goodness compelled him, just as the sense of evil had crushed his body and mind into small pieces. It wasn't even active evil, but simply a general barrier. For once, he was glad that the annoying brat, Ronad, had come along.
Long hair of blond
"Come on," he said hoarsely, holding part of his coat sleeve against his nose and mouth. "We need to go down."
But the darkness seemed so empty, down below . . .
"Hm . . . I've had a little plot bunny for a while now . . . " And with that, the RP(s) began. Ah, but there are so many more questions than answers!
What is in the darkness?
Who is the little girl?
What species is Ronad? What does Ronad even look like?
What is this evil and why does it display flu-like symptoms on Dominique?
What is Dominique's darkandmysterious past?
What is that stench?
Does Ronad like kitties? What connection does Ronad have to teh girl?
Will we ever continue this?
Will I ever write better?
Will I ever stop commadeering the plot? Will my character ever develop?
Will I even get breakfast tomorrow? (I hope I do. I'm hungry.)
All these questions and moar! will be answered in the possible next edition of: "Psychic RP." (Note to self, get more dramatic title.)