Aug 04, 2006 05:16
My day was a long and tiring one full of paperwork. It's awful; if I wanted to fill out paperwork I would've stayed home where it isn't so ridiculously HUMID.
Anyway, I asked one of my co-workers where a good place to go to dinner would be. She told me Ichiraku. Oh dear... remind me not to trust her again. It seems like a local hotspot for socializing. Which is all good and well; I met some fairly decent Konoha kids... but this one. Oh my goodness. he had NO manner, NO tact, said "I hate you all" like a broken record, and spent half the night staring himself silly over some girl. It was... sort of sad, really. Why am I even writing about him? Slow day, I guess.
Also sad? I got to use my healing skills there more than I have at work.