Mar 14, 2010 21:09
Buncombe County Schools Superintendent Tony Baldwin on Saturday said an investigation is under way following reports an Enka Middle School teacher called one of his students a “loser” on a graded assignment.
Oh ouch. Normally I hate to vilify a teacher figure. I've suffered so much crap at the hands of students that I tend to side with the teachers. I can't help it, seriously.
That said, what this teacher did is wrong. There are no 2 ways about it. It is just wrong. I'm not a great teacher, frankly, and I take absolutely FOREVER to grade student assignments. However, the amount of effort I put into my comments on the students' work makes me wanna cry. The harshest I've ever written was "Be careful of grammatical errors!" or "take note of spelling errors!". At the same time, I try to say something positive to balance the negative remarks.
Seriously, sometimes the students' work make me wanna gouge my eyes out and wash my brain with acid, but no matter what, you cannot resort to name-calling. Because if you do, you're no longer an educator, are you? You're going down to their level, and as an adult and one with authority, you just cannot do that. It's damaging to the students (and sometimes, this damage reaches really deep into their hearts) and certainly damaging to the teacher's reputation. I have to wonder if he was thinking straight when he did that. Not only did he do something that is against the ethics of teaching, he did it in print!