
Jul 25, 2007 00:59

Allrighty, since I've been tagged by MrsV...

Instructions: Each player starts with 7 random habits/facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged & list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged.

1. I'm a singer. I've mostly done choir, but I've also done musical theatre and karaoke, when I can talk friends into doing it with me. A few fun, notable celebrity experiences in my singing "career": I have been conducted by Placido Domingo, I sang tenor in a 7-person choir with The Chieftains in their Christmas concert, I was personally complimented by Sean Astin and his wife for my performance in a musical revue show, and I learned a piece in a half-hour right before performing it in front of Bill Clinton.

2. I have a permanently-bent left pinky finger that's been that way since birth. My dad has the same finger bent, but it as because of a basketball injury. I defy the laws of genetics!

3. I danced next to Tipper Gore to zydeco music in a bowling alley in New Orleans.

4. When I was 10 years old, I swam the 100-yard backstroke in the Junior Olympics. I hated the backstroke.

5. I am a big collector. I collect perfume, bath and body stuff (although I am currently trying to use it up!), Disney pins, stamps, and coins (especially year 2000 coins, coins that are dated with the current year, and special coins, such as the States quarters, or the breast cancer Canadian quarter). I have other things that could be considered collections, but it's just really accumulated stuff (e.g., CDs, DVDs, etc.). The above are things that I consider collecting habits.

6. I attended the 1995 NCAA Basketball National Championship game in Seattle, Washington where UCLA (my school at the time) beat Arkansas for the title.

7. I am a huge fan of horror movies. After work, I often turn on whatever movie is playing on our horror movie channel in order to relax.

And, uh, I have to tag people, don't I? Okay, randomly selecting 7 people from my flist (and no, you don't have to do this if you dont' want to):

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