(no subject)

Mar 05, 2011 00:37

A - Age: 28! Like, yesterday.
B - Bed size: Double with a squishy mattress
C - Chore you hate: Tidying up! I can't do it in bits, everything has to be blitzed when I do tidy.
D - Don't eat: Onions, leeks, spring onions. Bleugh.
E - Essential start-your-day item: iPhone. Its my alarm.
F - Favourite board game: Monopoly.
G - Gold or Silver: Silver.
H - Height: 158cm
I - Instruments you play: Violin (grade 4) and some riffs/chords on guitar (enough that I played a bit at my bible study group), haven't touched either for years.
J - Job title: Music snob/Record shop monkey.
K - Kid(s): God no.
L - Love or lust: Love. I experience the latter more.
M - Mum's name: Mei.
N - Nicknames: Bruce, Willis, 'Winky' - they're all work things.
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Maybe 3? all when I was a few yrs old for pneumonia and chest infections.
P - Pants or pantyhose: Erm. Pants I guess.
Q - Favourite Movie Quote: I can only immediately think of this one from the Lion King.

Timon: Gee. He looks blue.
Pumbaa: I'd say brownish-gold.
Timon: No, no, no. I mean he's depressed.
Pumbaa: Oh.

R - Right or left handed: Right, though my left is surprisingly more dexterous and stronger at some tasks.
S - Siblings: One younger brother.
T - Time you wake up: 7.45am, 8am, 8.15am - my snoozes.
U - Underwear: No thongs.
V - Vegetable favorite: Mushrooms and sweetcorn I think. I could eat bowls of either.
W - Ways you run late: Falling over, feeling hungover, missing previous transport connection, sleeping in, distracted by shiny things and general bad time management!
X - X-rays you've had: I think chest and wrist, possibly foot, abdomen, and teeth. So erm, all over.
Y - Yummy food you make: Okonomiyaki! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okonomiyaki
Z - Zoo favorite: Otters. I do love otters at zoos, they make me laugh.
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