Fic: Toy Soldiers: Revisited - (Sam/Chloe/Dean) - NC17

Apr 04, 2012 12:07

Title: Toy Soldiers (Revisited)
Author: Angela_StJoan
Pairing: Schlean…yes…I went there. Sam/Chloe/Dean [NO WINCEST!]
Rating: Oh so dirty. NC17
Disclaimer: God no, if I owned any of them I’d probably die from satisfaction.
Summary: “It’s okay,” She pressed a soft kiss to Dean’s lips and nodded. “I want this too.”
A/N: Seriously? Don’t read this in public. You’ll embarrass yourself. It took me a few days to write it because I had to stop every few paragraphs to recover from the smut. My first threesome! Enjoy.
A/N 2: Companion piece to ‘ Toy Soldiers’. If you haven’t already read that one, this one won’t make as much sense.

Chloe dug her heels into the ground and fought back with all her might. She wasn’t going to let this worthless soul drag her off and have the boys spouting out “I told you so’s” all night. Chloe winced at the pain of her scalp from being dragged by her hair. She reached down and brought her right leg up at the same time in a calculated move, grabbing the knife strapped to her calf by the pearl inlaid handle. She gripped it tight with her right hand and grunted as she plunged it backwards into her captor with as much force as possible from her awkward position.

The demon sputtered and then had the nerve to call her a bitch before crackling out of existence from behind its human façade. Chloe rubbed a hand through her hair, surprised to not find a few handfuls missing. She turned at Dean’s shout and scrambled out of the way as the better part of a brick wall landed where she’d been. She looked over at the demon currently ripping through the alley way towards Sam.

“Sam!” She shouted and headed towards him, “Behind you!”

Sam stepped aside and then tumble-rolled out of the way just as the demon charged at him. Chloe ran, took a step off an empty crate set aside and leapt. The impact of her landing on the demon’s back knocked the wind out of her but not before she slid her knife into its jugular in one quick movement. Chloe jumped off the body as it started to crumple to the ground. She landed in a crouch and looked around her. Sam was on the ground on all fours staring up at her in wonder.

Dean stalked towards her from the other end of the alley just having put his own demon out of commission. “What the fuck was that?”

He grabbed her by the arms and Chloe jerked out of his grip. “What are you talking about? I just nailed that bastard.”

“That was unnecessary.” He growled.

Sam got up and brushed himself off. “Dean, cut it out. She just saved my ass.”

Dean paced from one wall to another and then back to Chloe again. “Don’t ever do that again.”

Chloe rolled her eyes and wiped her blade against her jeans to clean the blood off. “Whatever,” she grumbled. She turned and picked her way carefully across the litter to the mouth of the alley. She could hear Dean and Sam behind her, arguing in low voices. Not that it mattered.

Dean was all bluster. This was her third time out in the field with them and she didn’t think he’d ever get used to her being there. She now had a dozen kills under her belt and rarely got more than a scratch on her compared to his and Sam’s broken bones and concussions. Sometimes she took risks but that was the point, to have the upper hand.

Chloe reached the motel room first and dragged her shirt off over her head, her skin pale in the moonlight compared to the wife beater she wore under her thermal. She headed for the shower only to be brought up short when Dean grabbed her arm from behind and forcibly turned her around, blocking her from the bathroom door. With his hand still on her arm he walked towards her, causing her to back up.

Chloe swallowed audibly, her eyes searching Dean’s. There was a look there she hadn’t seen before and it frightened her and thrilled her simultaneously. “Dean?” She asked cautiously.

His eyes narrowed and his lips kicked up at a corner. “Chloe,” He growled low and rough and Chloe almost screamed when she voluntarily took a step back and came up against a hard surface.

Sam’s hands landed on her shoulders and Chloe relaxed fractionally. Sam was always the voice of reason. He’d defend her. But Dean just stepped up to her, his body pressing against hers from the front and Sam didn’t move from behind her. Chloe leaned heavily against Sam, trying to get as far away from Dean as possible. His hand came up and held her chin in one hand, his eyes searching hers before he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers.

Chloe sucked in a breath and her hands came up to press against his chest in surprise, not really pushing him away. Her eyes held his and her breath was caught in her chest. Sam’s grip on her shoulders tightened and Chloe moaned, her breath coming out on a whoosh. Dean closed his eyes tight and then shook his head once as if arguing with himself.

Sam’s hands ran down her arms to her elbows and cupped them gently before he leaned forward and placed his face against the crown of her head, inhaling. Chloe’s eyes rolled back and she tightened her hold on Dean’s shirt. Dean, losing his control, gripped her hips in his hands and caught her lips with his, nudging her mouth open to him. Chloe relented and opened her mouth to his searching tongue. At the first stroke she moaned his name into his mouth and then her hands were in his hair and she was tilting his head to find a better fit.

Dean’s body reacted immediately, his hips pressed intimately to hers and Chloe shuddered as his erection brushed against her hip bone. Her lower body pressed to his and then retreated, her ass grinding against Sam’s front. Chloe jumped, nearly forgetting the warm body pressed against her from behind. She broke away from Dean and opened her eyes. He was watching her warily, gauging her reaction and prepared to move into action if need be.

Instead she smiled softly at him and moved her hands from his hair to his cheeks where she cupped his face, tenderly. “It’s okay.” Dean groaned and leaned his forehead against hers; she felt more than heard Sam’s sigh of relief leave his body. She pressed a soft kiss to Dean’s lips and nodded. “I want this too.”

Dean’s hands tightened on her hips as he tried to decide how to react to that. Instead Chloe turned and faced Sam, reversing the brother’s positions, Dean now hard against her ass. Chloe tipped her head back, looking up at Sam as he towered over her. She leaned forward now, pressing her breasts to his sternum and grinned at the flush that flowered against his cheeks. The twitching of his jaw made her lean up to place a kiss right there. Sam closed his eyes and groaned and then his lips were against hers and he was picking her up and devouring her mouth. Chloe wrapped herself around him and felt moisture seep out of her as Sam’s cock brushed against the seam of her jeans.

Dean’s hands were travelling up her sides, taking the material of her under shirt up with them. Chloe pulled away from Sam’s mouth long enough to release her arms for her tank to come off, Sam easily holding her up, and Dean went to work on her bra. As soon as her breasts were freed Dean covered them with his hands, gently rolling the buds of her nipples between his fingers.

Chloe said his name and leaned as far back as she could with her legs wrapped around Sam’s waist. Dean caught the skin of her neck between his teeth and stroked his tongue against it. Chloe bucked against Sam, causing his cock to slide against the apex of her thighs where she was hungriest for him. Chloe hissed at the sensation and clawed at his shoulders. Dean slid his hands down from her breasts to her stomach, over her navel and down to the button and zipper on her jeans. He got them undone in record time and Chloe was being set on her feet.

She shimmied out of her jeans and panties even as Dean was turning her around to face him. He gripped her hair in his right hand and brought her face up to his, lips locked as his tongue rocked against hers. His left hand glided down her side, thumb brushing against the side of her breast, his palm over her hip and then his fingers were parting her folds and pushing inside her.

Chloe strained against him, clutching at his shoulders, his hair; teeth scraping against his and then she was coming on his fingers, grinding against his hand and moaning his name into his mouth.

She hadn’t given a second thought to Sam until Dean led her over to the bed where Sam sat on the edge, wearing only boxers. Chloe met his gaze with her own as Dean’s hand, slick with her juices, gripped her hip.

“Chloe,” Sam’s voice was soft and reverent and Chloe sighed and smiled, climbing into his lap. Her fingers ran through his shoulder length hair and he closed his eyes as her touch soothed and calmed his nerves. Sam’s hands held her at her waist as he turned his head this way and that, enjoying the feel of her fingers playing through his hair. Chloe placed her cheek against his and exhaled softly, her body sated and charged at the same time. “Sam.” Her sigh of his name made him smile against the side of her face and place a gentle kiss there.

Chloe turned her face so her lips met his and they softly explored each other’s mouths and bodies. Chloe ran her hands from his scalp to his cheeks that hollowed out as his tongue played against hers languidly. Her fingers trailed down to his neck, across the ridges of his collar bones down to his pecs. The tips of her fingers strummed against his nipples and then down to his abs. Chloe moaned into his mouth as her hands flattened against the ripples of his muscles.

She felt hands behind her as Dean lifted her hair away from her neck and placed a soft kiss there. Chloe opened her eyes and looked into Sam’s brown ones as she ended the kiss, pressing her lips against his one last time. Sam smiled at her and ran his hands up from her waist to beneath her breasts where they softly stroked back and forth. “We can stop any time you want, Chloe.” Chloe licked her lips and dropped her hands to the waistband of his boxers, playing with the elastic. Sam closed his eyes and let out a soft moan. “It’s your call.” He opened his eyes half-mast and watched her bite her bottom lip between her teeth. He saw her indecision.

He knew as well as she did that once they crossed this precipice there would be no turning back. Sam and Dean had discussed this with each other and agreed to not make any moves. Tonight had proved to be too much to bear though and they had both needed the reassurance that she was okay. She was becoming bolder with each hunt they took her on. She took risks when there was no need. She hadn’t gotten seriously injured yet but both brothers feared it was only a matter of time. And tonight was the tipping point.

Sam watched Chloe’s resolve harden at the same moment she pulled his waistband away from his body and wrapped both hands around his shaft. Sam dropped his head to rest against hers and his hips bucked involuntarily causing Chloe’s body to shift and her nude bottom half pressed against his cock. Chloe worked her hands up and down, her body so close to his that her knuckles brushed against her curls. Dean’s hands ran down her back to her hips and around her stomach to her curls. His lips and tongue and teeth played with her neck. Biting, kissing, licking. All of it drove her crazy. Sam’s panting fluttered her hair against her face and before Chloe realized what Dean was doing he grabbed her under her thighs and lifted her, fitting her against the head of Sam’s cock.

Chloe leaned her head back against Dean, looking up into his eyes as he kneaded the backs of her thighs. He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. Sam had one arm around her waist and his teeth were gritted in restraint as he tried not to thrust into her and claim her as his. He knew Chloe had to be the deciding factor here and so he held back for her.

Chloe’s mouth opened to Dean’s tongue and he licked into her as he continued to knead. Chloe, her hands still on Sam’s shaft, rubbed the head of his cock against her juices and moaned as she rotated her hips, trying to get him into her. Sam was proportional though and seemed larger than any she had had before. So when she released him to reposition her hands on his shoulders and moaned his name, she was really asking for his help and he knew. Holding her hips down he thrust up once, twice, and on the third she twisted her hips and he was all the way in. Chloe screamed her release into Dean’s mouth and quaked against Sam, her nails digging into his broad shoulders. His skin soft and slick with sweat.

Dean’s hands moved upward until they were cupping her breasts and he stepped forward, his dick settling against her back. Chloe moaned and broke from the kiss, her right hand leaving Sam’s shoulder to twist back behind her until she held Dean in her fist. She pumped him in her grip, enjoying the sounds he made as Sam’s fingers dropped down to search through her curls. The moment his thumb pressed against her clitoris Chloe picked up her hips and dropped back down, riding him as if she couldn’t get enough.

She gently pushed against Sam’s chest until he got the hint and leaned back on the bed. Chloe released Dean briefly to lean forward and place a kiss to Sam’s mouth. When he tried to deepen it she murmured a, “Not yet.” She sat back up, her hips rising and falling as if in slow motion. The glide of him deep inside her stretched her to capacity and she relished every inch as she sank back down.

She turned her torso towards Dean and grabbed one of his hands with hers. She pulled him forward until he was standing beside her instead of behind and wrapping her other hand around his cock, she pressed a kiss against the shaft before her tongue licked up the length of him.

Dean grabbed a handful of hair and moaned as her lips opened around the head of his cock. “Chloe, Oh, fuck.” Chloe moaned at the rough timbre of Dean’s voice and ground her hips against Sam’s pelvic bone, creating great friction. Sam stroked against something inside her, causing her to gasp and dip her head down, Dean’s cock hitting the back of her throat. The moan she let loose reverberated through her throat to his dick and he tightened his hold in her hair. “God damn, Chloe, Just like that.” If Chloe hadn’t been bombarded with sensations she would have found it in her to smile. So Sam was the intense look into your soul type and Dean was the talker. Figured.

Chloe worked Dean over with her hands, her grip tightening on the upward stroke and her tongue probing the slit in the head and the bundle of nerves just under it. Dean’s back arched and he tried to pull away from her and Chloe, her lower body rising and falling on Sam, mimicked the rhythm her mouth was using on Dean. “Chloe, fuck. I’m going to-“ Chloe opened wide and pulled him as far into her throat as she could, breathing carefully through her nose. Dean tipped his head back and roared her name as his release spurted into her mouth, her throat swallowing convulsively. He pulled his cock out of her grip and ran his hand gently through her blonde locks, his eyes searching hers. Chloe just smiled and took his hand in hers, bringing it to her mouth to place a kiss at his wrist.

Then Sam grabbed her around the back and flipped her over on the bed, putting her underneath him. His arm hooked under her leg, pushing it up until she was completely open to him. Chloe said his name and gripped his arms and then she was coming and she wasn’t sure whose name she screamed as he hit that special spot over and over again.

Chloe heard Sam say her name through gritted teeth and opened her eyes to see him staring down at her intensely. Chloe pushed up on her elbows and caught his lips with hers. She bit down gently and then she sucked his lip into her mouth and moaned as he stiffened over her. Sam came in shudders that racked his body against hers. The breath left her body in a whoosh as he collapsed on her. Sam panted heavily and turned his face towards hers, easing off of her little by little, and holding up his weight but keeping her pinned beneath him. Chloe blinked lazily and rubbed her nose against his. They grinned at each other and Sam ran a large palm down her body.

She felt Dean climb into the bed next to her and Sam rolled off slowly, heading to the bathroom. He returned shortly with a wet washcloth and Dean took it from him, running the cool terrycloth against her folds. Chloe let her legs fall open, inhibitions non-existent. Dean leaned down and placed a kiss against her cheek as Sam placed a kiss against her hand. Then her boys were lying down on either side of her and she faced Dean, Sam spooned against her back. Dean mouthed “I love you,” to her and she reciprocated. Then she barked out a laugh and stretched her arms high above her head, her fingers brushing against the headboard. “I’m so glad we got a queen.”

The brothers both grinned at first each other and then the blond between them. Sam doubted they’d ever go back to getting a double.

The End

rating: nc-17, fanfiction, ship: chloe/dean/sam, fic

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