This is the sequel to
Ghost Town which should be read first.
Title: Best Laid Plans (3/11)
Lyl_Devil and
Pen37Rated: PG
Fandom: The Magnificent 7, Smallville, Supernatural
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester; Chloe Sullivan; The Seven: Chris Larabee, Buck Wilmington, Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Nathan Jackson, Josiah Sanchez, JD Dunne; OMC - Mathew Tanner; Eventually - Sam/Chloe
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. Mathew Tanner is mine
Chapter Summary: Chloe meets the ghosts of Four Corners. Buck is enchanted and Chris is not happy.
Chapter List:
Chapter 1;
Chapter 2;
Chapter 3