Title: Nobody’s Girl (5/6)
strangevisitor7Beta: Thanks to
pen37 Prompt: #77 Trees for
crossovers100 My table is
hereFandoms: Smallville, Highlander and Supernatural
Characters : Chloe Sullivan, Dean Winchester, Richie Ryan, Sam Winchester, Duncan MacLeod and Oliver Queen
Pairing: Well that’s the story isn’t it? Will it be Chloe/Dean or Chloe/Richie?
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.
Summary: A lot of time inside Chloe's head as she tries to sort out her feelings. An unexpected phone call changes things.
Chapter 1;
Chapter 2;
Chapter 3;
Chapter 4;
Chapter 5; Chapter 6
A/N: The rest of the Immortal Dean series can be found
Here Chloe wasn’t used to dealing with multiple men vying for her attentions. That was more Lana’s thing not hers