May 24, 2008 13:43
Since the accident in November, I've had some lingering swelling and pain in my left knee. It gets better and worse depending on what I'm doing and OMFG I will NOT get in the hot tub anymore because it swells to the size of a grapefruit.
My everso wise HMO did not think it was medically necessary for me to have an MRI until we'd processed a bazillion forms of appeals (thanks to all the trees who gave their lives for my knee). Then, suddenly, they were like "We are pleased to inform you that your MRI has been approved." Dumb asses. We could have done this months ago.
I had the test done on Thursday and it confirmed what the doc and I already knew. I have a tear in the medial meniscus of the left knee. Now, I get to see an orthopaedic surgeon to see if he can fix it. Thankfully, he's a knee guy, so I feel like he's qualified. I have a two week break from school coming up, so if I do have to have surgery, I can do it then and have time to heal a bit before going back to hit the books again. Apparently, arthroscopy is not too hard to bounce back from, so at least I have that on my side. I'm still not looking forward to it, though.