PLEASE NOTE: Most of these lists will deal with slash, so if you are offended by that then leave now and do not read them.
Text CLex
Text Johnathan/Martha
Text Chloe/Clark
Text Clark/Alicia
Text Clark/Bart
Text Clark/Richard
Text Clark/Dick
Text Clark/Peter
Text Clark/Oliver
Text - Lex/Clark/Bruce/Dick
Text Adopted
Text Human Clark
Text - Red Krytonite
Text Drugged or Drunk
Text Insomnia, Sleep, Dreams and Visions
Text Historicals and Fairy Tales
Text Episode related
Text Amnesia
Text BDSM, Cross-Dressing and Miscellaneous
Text Witches, Wizards, Demons, Angels, Vampires, Ghosts Werewolves and Miscellaneous
Text College and High School
Text School Assignments
Text Alien Overlord
Text Keeping or Revealing Secrets
Text Other Jobs
Text Crossovers
Text Clark Loses Powers
Text Lex Gains powers
Text Hurt or Sick/Comfort
Text Movie Remixes
Text Major Death
Text Alternate Dimensions and Time Travel
Text Torture Clark and Torture Lex
Text Obsession, Stalking, Jealousy, Possessive
Text Multiple Partners
Text Pretending
Text Dark
Text Light, Fluffy, and Sweet
Text Reconciliation
Text Switching Bodies, Genders, Other
Text Drama
Text Longtime relationship
Text Family and Mpreg
Text Rescues
Text Epics
Text Holidays
Text Future
Text Coming Out
Text Siblings
Text Weddings
Text Seduced
Text First Time
Text RPS
Text Johnathan Returns