lol yes I"m alive :D I was on a hiatus for a while and I've been on LJ sort of sporadically lately so. I've been okay mostly, thanks for asking. :) <3 <3
I don't have a tumblr, I almost set one up once but I changed my mind. Lately I only post on LJ to record my dreams, I guess I don't really have anything to say! lol oooo Hex arts yay! Would that be icons? I make them occasionally but I'm not good at it. I really admire people who are good with graphics. :)
I haven't heard from you in ages, Hun! How've you been?!
I was on a hiatus for a while and I've been on LJ sort of sporadically lately so. I've been okay mostly, thanks for asking. :)
<3 <3
Although I admit to having one myself. lol!
What about you, Hun? Tumblr?
I might actually start some Hex arts, now I think about it.
It's one fandom I have yet to see anything for on Tumblr? Weird. . .
oooo Hex arts yay! Would that be icons? I make them occasionally but I'm not good at it. I really admire people who are good with graphics.
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