Hey guys! Just wanted to give you a genera; update, really.
Went back into hospital AGAIN. Got stuck with a couple of hundred needles and put on an IV for 3 days. Didn't eat for 4. Guess that helps my diet though, right?
Er. .Hmm. Kinda stuck for anything interesitng to mention, really. I've just been feeling cr@ppy for a while now and it's really been effecting my moods. Mostly sleepy and just wanting to BE asleep. Anything to get rid of my pains ATM.
Although some of you know that now. My memories really awful. But thats a permanent thing. Lol. Sorry :S
Just a few tidbits i wanted to drop that i've seen/heard about.
10 Muppets and Their Mad Men Counterparts &
10 Things That Suck About Being Joan ~ Saw these and couldn't help getting the giggles. Good comparison on Pete. LOL!
My Twitter ~ I've been debating, talking roisen murphy, selena's trip with unicef, the new trailer for Merlin etc. Give me a shout with your name's if you wanna follow, and i'll do the same back ;D
And finally. .
Season 2 trailer for Merlin Thanks, NellieWu!
Icons will hopefully happen soon. Was having a lot of trouble with colourings and them being different after saving :S
Is that a common MAC problem?