justprompts: Fear is a great motivator. - Art Bell

Oct 27, 2008 02:21

No. Just... no.

Fear, fear can kill, man. And trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I've seen it with my own eyes. Hell, it almost got me too, and that was no fun.

And fear can make you say things and do things that are just plain stupid. I mean, really. I refused to take a gun? I ran away, from a ghost, on my brother? Dude. That was so not cool. That was so not me, and good for Sam that he knew what it was about and, while he might blackmail me with that shit? Won't really hold it out against me, 'cause it's bad. I am supposed to be his backup. And I friggen ran!! Not to mention some of the other stuff.

[locked. very. very. tight]

And fear can make you see things that sure as he-- sure as anyhing aren't supposed to be seen and heard. But damn, those were my hallucinations... that's supposed to mean that it's what I had in my mind in the first place, isn't it? But that's just a load o'crap.

I mean, I know Sam doesn't want me dead. No, really, he just had to step back and let me die if that's what he wanted, not tear off his ass to get me off the hook. Again. Actions speak louder than words. But when I saw him with those yellow eyes? Saying those things to me? With his voice? Heck, that scared me. And I had just no idea what to do about it. That he wanted me back downstairs. That he wanted to become a demon. That he wanted to be like Azazel was. No, that's just... wrong. Not Sammy. Not my brother! Please, no...
And that happened right after I'd kinda admitted that I don't wanna die. When I'd as good as asked for his help. When I stopped putting up my front and bitching about it. You think that may be a warning or something?

And then, then there was Lilith. In that little girl's form. Damn, I almost never even heard the girl talking. And sure not while that ugly broad was in her. Why did she show up like that? To make me fear, what, innocence? To make me fear the folks I should be protecting?
Is that how great a motivator fear is? Thanks, but no, thanks.
And yeah, whaever, what she said. So maybe I do remember. That was then, this is now. Right? Fresh start, clean slate? Maybe, please?
Four months is like forty years in hell. Heh. Maybe. But I'm outta there now, okay? I'm here, and I don't want to go back. I just don't. I'm not supposed to have been dragged back out just for nothing... am I?
And, oh yeah. Lilith didn't show up until I kinda sorta tried to attempt and reach for another kind of help too, did she. Every time I tried to make something to ease the fear, it only got worse. But was that a warning too? If I try to reach out for help that way, she'll come and drag me back down again?

Great. Just so, you know, encouraging to open up and all. Damn I hate demons. The entire lot of them.

But at least I kinda got the answer to that 'why me' question, didn't I. One down, a few more to go...


Nah, fear just makes you do the wrong kind of stuff. At least, in our line of work. Sure, it's not possible not to be afraid of the shit we go for. We hunt monsters, for fuck's sake. Besides, the fear gives that adrenaline rush, and that gives that extra spur of... thought, that extra boost of strength to get over the damn critters which, often as not, tend to be stronger and faster and more determined, just for kicks.

But it's not fear that's the motivator, and it shouldn't be. It's the keeping of fear under control that gets us through the night. You know, managing to keep it within reasonable limits and work despite it. To get the suckers. Sure, I'm a wahoo, say that as much as you want. But I get the job done, right? Because when I do have my own wits around me? I don't turn tail and run. Hell, I do more than man the flashlight!

... and if all we do is scare people, damn, it's not like that's all my idea! Come on, all the lying, and the stealing? I think that's its point, isn't it. To make sure that those people don't need to be scared - aren't. I mean, that's just it. 'cause if people really knew what's out there, they'd be a lot more scared. And yet we end up being the ones people are afraid of?

Peachy. Just... great. And also, that's another way that goes, 'no' to the above quote. Most people ain't helping, even when they are afraid. The most fear motivates people to? Is get petrified. Sure, there are exceptions. But do you know how few? VERY few.

No, sorry. Fear is a shitty motivator. If you want to get stuff done? Find a better one. It's a necessity, something one can't really deny is there. Something more to overcome. Just a fact. And one that's more often an obstacle than a helper, but not the obstacle that gets the job done even. Just... something more that makes our lives harder.

And that's on the good days.

interaction: open, comm: justprompts, voice: ic, prompt: fear is a great motivator, type: rant, misc: spoilers

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