charloft: Under the weather

Oct 19, 2009 18:25

1. How is your character's general health and constitution?
Healthy and hale. Dean's a big and strong guy, nothing extra - his life and others' frequently depend on his strength and agility (and, occasionally, stamina), including against opponents who are stronger and faster than humans.

2. What illnesses did your character suffer as a child?
Nothing truly remarkable. Actually, since John raised his children on the road from when Dean was almost five onwards, possibly a lot of the normal childhood diseases got either skipped or ignored, between road conditions and being left alone, just the two of them, for days to weeks at a time.

3. What illnesses has your character suffered as an adult?
Not much, really - although the ghost sickness definitely deserves a mention. Forty-eight hours of increasing anxiety into fear into panic until heart gives away. (Luckily, Sammy and Bobby saved him!)

4. Has he/she had any serious injuries?
Oh yes. Burns, cuts, bruises, bone breaks. Electrocuted until his heart was three days away from giving away. Slammed against all sorts of walls. Hanged almost to death. Scratched his forearms to blood and beyond. There was a car crash which resulted in head trauma as well as other abrasions, and his chest was already slashed across. Vampire bites. Chest ripped to ribbons by hellhound. (Yes, he died from that.) Beat up, windpipe almost crushed unto death. Do the injuries which were in realities that didn't stay count? He's been shot in the head, killed with an axe, had a heavy cupboard dropped on him, hit by a car, mauled by a dog, poisoned, electrocuted, choked on food. (We won't go in detail about the damages down in hell, okay?)
... important to say, he bears scars for very few of those injuries, courtesy of the healing hand of Castiel. ... what?

5. Has your character ever been hospitalized or otherwise incapacitated by illness to the point of needing care?
Not because of illness, but because of some of said injuries. Three of the times he has been hospitalized has been after he was electrocuted and was dying because of that (he checked himself out); after the car crash (all three of the Winchesters were); and after Alastair almost crushed his windpipe after giving him a pretty thorough beating. There have been other occasions, although by preference, the Winchesters stitch/bandage themselves on their own instead of looking for professional (and traceable) medical help.

6. Has your character had any surgeries?
It's possible that there have been bullets (or claws, or fangs) taken out of him.

7. Does your character suffer from any chronic or long term conditions?
Does perpetual hunger count? (Really. When he's not interested in food, things are bad!)

8. How has your characters health / lack of health affected their development (physically or mentally)?
He's a little bit cocky when it comes to physical/strength, but not overly or unjustifiably so. His pain thresholds are high and he knows he can take more than most people, in various ways; however, most of the bravado he displays that way is on purpose, rather than something that's changed in him.

9. Has your character ever had to take care of someone who was sick?
Yes. Dean always takes care of his family, in whatever ways he can. Especially his younger brother, he's seen through everything, with John either missing or too busy to properly care of the boys.

10. How did this affect them?
A closer bond between the brothers. I think that's it; it was an all-encompassing one already, that's just another aspect.

verse: any, comm: charloft, voice: ooc, type: list

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