RP logs: freakytwinthing (Sick Grace)

Oct 01, 2009 13:13

Grace!mun: She has a lot of Mommy-related issues

Dean!mun: *pets her* all Winchesters have parents-related issues
although, my guess would be, with the actual return to the past? Dean wins. By a narrow margin

Grace!mun: This is true.
Grace's issues come from the whole...not-family, for the most part

Dean!mun: *nods * and the end of them

Grace!mun: Yes! I mean. Not!Mom was evil and psychotic.
That's bound to screw a kid up

Dean!mun: but it was still not!Mom

Grace!mun: Yeah, but she hasn't had any other mom. She still loves her evil, psychotic not!mom.
Because she was Mom for ten years

Dean!mun: *nods, pets her*
Dean... really can't do anything to fix that

Grace!mun: Dean can't fix everything. :O

Dean!mun: *wry* that doesn't mean that he can't want to

Grace!mun: He can become a faith healer and heal her swine flu.

Dean!mun: that would involve, you know. ACCEPTING OFFERS FROM ANGELS

Grace!mun: Then he can make her soup. That's just as good.

Dean!mun: soup, he can make
potato or chicken?

Grace!mun: Grace likes them both! She says he can choose.

Dean!mun: Then it will be potato. Just on the off chance that the stranger is still around and decides to bless her with chicken flu TOO and we don't want that!

Grace!mun: ...XD Chicken flu

Grace: There will be crackers, right?

Dean: 'course there will be crackers.

Grace: Good. Crackers are good with soup.

Dean: Much better than croutons.

Grace: Everything is better than croutons.

Dean: *smirks*

Grace: .....*Eats crackers*

Dean: *is glad she has appetite*

Grace: *Only for crackers and Dean-made soup*

Dean: *will be busy making soup. and it's a start!*

Grace: Thank you for cooking.

Dean: No problem at all
((he might occasionally like helping people in a way that doesn't involve corpses, old or new.))

Grace: You need to cook more often.

Dean: *small shrug* You know most places don't have the equipment for that.

Grace: Good point.

Dean: *grins* Am cookin' now. And I'll keep that in mind. AND I told Chuck that if he turns out right about Captain Planet, I'll cook at his place. Well, kinda told him.

Grace: ...cooking at Chuck's house?

Dean: You know. Like when you said you cleaned and I should cook, there.

Grace: I didn't think you'd ever do it.

Dean: *grins* Dude. Captain Planet.

Grace: It could still happen!

Dean: True.

Grace: So, what'll you make, if it does?

Dean: Well, don't think I'll manage a three-course meal, but. *grins* Beef and black beans chili?

Grace: Can't you do that without Captain Planet?

Dean: Oh, I will. Just. Not at Chuck's, for now?
Right now, he'll have problems eating with that gas mask.

Grace: He took it off. And you don't ever have to cook at his house, if you don't want to

Dean: Will work it out. Want me to make beef and beans chili tomorrow?

Grace: ....yes.

Dean: You've got it, sis.
((yeah, um. Apparently, spoiling her right now is on. If Sammy was around, he'd be spoiling him, too. HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK? *baps him * ))

((IT'S REALLY CUTE. Maybe he's just feeling extra brotherly?))

Grace: ...why are you being so nice?

Dean: Well, um. I dunno. Don't worry, I'll be back to being a jerk soon enough. *grins. Might be chopping onions.*

Grace: *omg Dean chopping onions* Then I'll miss you being nice.

Dean: *yeah, it has some ... um. Effects?* Nah. By then, you'll be missing a good fight.

Grace: *Awwwww* I already miss a good fight. You are, too. See? You're crying like a girl.

Dean: *rolls eyes. Wipes tears, carefully, with the back of his hand* Shaddup.

Grace: You're crying! I can't shut up. Need a hug?

Dean: *actually chuckles* Lemme finish this and wash my hands, or if it gets in your eyes, you'll be cryin' too. It won't help your stuffy nose.

Grace: Death by onions. Yikes.

Dean: *grins* Terrible and painful. Got it.

Grace: I'll haunt you for the rest of your life.

Dean: *facepalms. Getting fresh onion juice in his eye* FUCK.

Grace: ...good move, genius. *Gets him a non-onion juiced wet washcloth*

Dean: *grumbles a little* Thanks. Shit. *wipes his face. Then quickly finishes the damn tear-jerker and washes his hands. AND EYES*

Grace: You okay?

Dean: Yeah. 'm okay. You? I mean. 's good to see you up and about. Um. ... yeah.

Grace: Me? No onion juice in my eyes, so I'm good.

Dean: *snickers* good. Good. *kisses the top of her head in passing, then goes back to making a damn fine potato soup.*

Grace: *Sits down and watches* Hey, I don't think I'm going to die anymore. I think it's progress.

Dean: *smiles a bit* Yup. I agree. *is on to chopping a carrot now. passes some over to her*

Grace: *OOOH CARROT* I'm glad you like me alive.

Dean: Damn right I do.

Grace: Damn right? Awesome.

misc: cooking, verse: gracie, voice: ic, misc: fluff, chars: gracie, misc: spoilers, type: rp log

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