Happy Mother's Day

May 11, 2008 00:11

Sam sighed as he walked through the graveyard. He didn't like it here any more than Dean did but at least he could honor his mothers memory even if his ignorant brother wouldn't come along. Unfortunately Sam didn't have much memory of her at all as she died when he was still an infant. He found the stone and knelt down. "Hi mom." he said, feeling a bit stupid, knowing that there was nothing left of her to be buried so he was just talking to a stone. "It's Sam. I hope wherever you are, you're having a good mother's day."

He noticed some flowers beside the head stone as he set down his own bouquet. "Wonder who these are from." he said as he picked them up and sniffed them. He sneezed. "Wow.. a lot of pollen." he said as he brushed white dust from his nose and lay the flowers back down.

"We love you mom." he said as he stood up. He stayed there a few minutes in silent thought until his hands and feet started to feel heavy. "What the.." he mumbled as his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell forward in dead weight, cracking his head against the tombstone. He was out cold before he even hit the ground.


Sam's head was splitting in pain as his eyes slowly opened. He felt cold water dripping on his head and his hands and feet were tied so tight they felt numb.

"Finally awake hmm?" says a cool female voice with a british accent. "About time. I suppose the crack on the noggin didn't help much hmm? I wasn't expecting that, I was certain the drugged flowers would be enough." The voice came from the shadows of what Sam was certain was a basement.

"Who are you?" asked Sam, peering through the darkness and the caked on blood around his eyelid that had trickled from his split forehead.

"That doesn't really matter does it? All you need to know is that you're very predictable and your brother has quite a price on his head. A price I plan to collect. I was hoping he'd come back to Lawrence with you but having you will do just a nicely." said the voice.

"You're kidding yourself. Dean's not going to walk into a trap for me. We're smarter than that." spat Sam

"He doesn't even know you're missing yet. I plan on letting him stew for a couple days, wonder where you are, then make him an offer." she said

"How stupid do you think we are?" Sam asked.

"Stupid enough to get captured." she said, stepping out of the shadows. She was still completely hidden in a long dark hooded cloak. She leaned in very close to Sam's face so all he could see was well painted, ruby red lips in the light. "Goodnight Sam." she said as she held up her fist in front of her face, opened her palm and blew a handful of white dust into Sam's face as the world went black again.
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