
May 04, 2013 06:34

made by deny1984

Holy crap! I just watched Trance(2013) today. It is freaking amazing. Go watch it if you haven't yet. The performance by the leads who areJames McAvoy, Rosario Dawson and Vincent Cassel is powerful, especailly McAvoy who should get nominated for something big at least. Danny Boyle (the director) has never disappointed me in making astounding movies. It is his filming style that enriches the materials.

I don't want to spoil you anything, so I don't even bother to post the plot since this is not a movie review. All these can be waited until the DVDs are out.
Now please bare me to scream over how adorably young James looks in this movie! How is it possible that his character Simon Newman looks much younger than Charles Xavier in X-Men: First Class(2009)? He is like in his early twenty!

Thanks to his huge and glassy blue eyes he manages to looks innocent and helpless no matter what he truely is. Also he looks so petite and vulnerable that makes everyone underestimate his destructive power.
Why is it that the actors I like are all playing psychopathic? Michael Fassbender played a sexual addict in Shame, Brandon, whom we should introduce to Simon and let them get obssessed and fuck each other's brains out; Jude Law almost has an emotional breakdown in Side Effects; and now we have James being psychotic in this movie. He probably is crazier in the upcoming Filth. I am looking forward to it.

Gosh he looked even younger in these on set and fans encounter pics. So cute!


jerk: james mcavoy, movie: trance, picsspam

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