Review: Supernatural -- 8x06 Southern Comfort

Jan 09, 2013 03:07

(made by speakfree)

I dunno how many of you still stick with Supernatural, I just feel like I have to make one post about the show 'cos I am impressed with the episode "Southern Comfort" of Season 8.

Frankly, I ain't ready to follow this season yet as the dynamic of the brothers has changed so much I could barely follow the flow of the story.
Not only Sam (starring Jared Padalecki), who would love Dean (starring Jensen Ackles) to death, has changed into an asshole who neglects his brother for a married woman, but also Dean, who once would at least respect Sam's choice of lifestyle, has become a masochistic adhesive dumped-girlfriend that could not be kicked-out or shaken-off.
The Sam I used to know would not give up his devoted brother for any girl, while the Dean I knew would let go of Sam to live his apple-pie life if his baby brother insisted.
The new Sam is such a heartless dick and the new Dean's just selling himself cheap and hanging himself on his brother for no value.
Both are just out of character in the first half of Season 8 IMO.

Okay, enough for the ranting, I am here to appreciate 8x06.

Review: Supernatural - 8x06 Southern Comfort
Author: wincestuouslove
Summary: To emphasise the similarities of the scenario in this episode with a family with extramarital affairs and how the characters related to a adulterous couple.

How I love this episode is exactly how I love 4x14 "Sex And Violence", in which Sam and Dean behaved like a guilty deceitful husband and a jealous wife, and ended up fighting each other for a male siren.
However, the scene is more twisted in this epi. Sam is having an affair with a woman, Amelia, while Dean is cheating with a man, Benny, respectively. They both feel hurt and betrayed by each other and they have a way to go when Dean is affected by a haunted coin.

Sam: I don't know Dean. How about because you haven't said a word to me since Prentiss Island and now what? You want me to shut up and ride shotgun and act like nothing happened?
Dean: You want to talk about Benny. Fine. Let's talk.
Sam: Okay. How about he's vampire.
Dean: He's also the reason I'm topside and not roasting on a spit in Purgatory. Anything else?
Sam: Don't pretend I don't get it. I know you had to do what you had to do down there.
Dean: I highly doubt you get anything about Purgatory.
Sam: But you're out now and Benny's still breathing. Why?
Dean: He's my friend Sam.
Sam: Uh, and what about my friend, Amy? She was what? Because you sure as hell didn't have a problem ganking her.
Dean: I guess people change don’t they? Hmm we let that werewolf Kate go.
Sam: She was different. She… You think Benny's different? Huh, he tell you he's not drinking live blood or something? And you believe him. Wow! Okay. No you're right. People do change.
Dean: Yeah, I've got a vampire buddy and you turned your phone off for a year.
Sam: Don't turn this on me.
Dean: Look. If Benny slips up and some other hunter turns his lights out, so be it.
Sam: But it's not going to be you right?
Dean: Tell me about it.

Sam is obviously very jealous of Benny still being around and BFFF with Dean.
The way he responses to Dean's trust with Benny is so sacarstic that sounds like an envious husband mocking his wife for being so naive to think the adulterer would be faithful to her while the truth should be no man could be trusted.

Dean, of course, defends the new boyfirend best friend and has an issue of being neglected by Sam the last year.

Sam is always hate/jealous of the men (except Castiel) around Dean but seems alright with the girls if you asked me: Papa John, hunter-turned-vampire Gordon, the Siren, Alistair, Bobby's drinking flask (i.e. his ghost), etc.
While Dean is only jealous when Sam's with girls, like Ruby, Lilith, Cara, Becky, the girl slept with Sam when Dean was abducted by fairies... Dean seems okay with Jessica, Sarah or Madison but I don't think he is genuinely thrilled with them.

Sam: Come on Dean. I know it's not you in there pulling the strings.
Dean: Shut up. Don't. You never even wanted this life. Always blamed me for pulling you back into it.
Sam: That's not true.
Dean: Really? 'Cos everything you've ever done since you climbed into my ride is planned to deceive me.
Sam: What do you want me to say? That I made mistakes? I made mistakes, Dean!
Garth: It's not Dean, Sam.
Dean: Shut up! Mistakes, hhh. Well let's go through some of Sammy's greatest hits. Drinking demon blood, check. Being in cahoots with Ruby. Not telling me that you lost your soul or how about running around with Samuel for a whole year, letting me think that you were dead while you were doing all kinds of crazy. Those aren't mistakes Sam. Those are choices.
Sam: Alright, you've said it. We both played a little fast and loose.
Dean: Yeah I might have lied but I never once betrayed you. I never once left you to die and for what? A girl. You left me to die for a girl!
[Sam punches Dean and trys to grab the gun, but Dean fights back. Finally, Sam defeated.]

Dean pretty much brings up the biggest elephan in the room with two sentences here, that Sam is never willing to stay with Dean, nor consider to be honest with Dean to begin with.
Sam denies it like a jerk-knee reaction and does not even trying to make it sound convincing. Then he takes the blame as a gesture of concession with no sincerity because he quickly diverts attention to point out that Dean is not innocent.

But even these two are not the worst, what makes it disastrous is Sam choosing a girl over Dean! Over a brother, over a family, over the most unheavy tangled crazy things they have. And instead of making any excuses, Sam just punches Dean for spilting the brutal truth out. No wonder Dean feels betrayed.
(Isn't it ooc for Sam to choose a girl over Dean? I think it's really ooc, that's why no one likes this season)

Garth: Come on Dean. You do not want to kill your brother. You… you've been protecting him your whole life. Don't stop now.
Dean: He left me to rot in Purgatory.
Garth: Alright, alright, maybe he did. I don't… I don't know. I wasn't there but I'm sure he had his reasons.
Sam: Just like you have your reasons for Benny.
Garth: Who?
Dean: Benny's been more of a brother to me this past year than you've ever been. That's right. Cas let me down. You let me down. The only person who hasn't let me down is Benny.
Dean: You should have looked for me when I was in Purgatory.

Aww, Sam. Still won't let go of the Benny issue. If Sam is blamed to be disloyal, Dean should be blamed for being a slut, right Sam? LMAO.

And Dean sounds as funny as Sam. Cas let him down! Sam let him down! All the men in this world are unworthy to give his heart to! *sob sob sob*  WTF man!

Sam: Own up to your crap, Dean. I told you from the jump where I was coming from, why I didn't look for you, but you… you had secrets. You had Benny and you got on your high and mighty and you've been kicking me ever since you got back. But that's over. So move on or I will.
Dean: Okay.
Sam: Good. You know what? Hear this too. I just might be that hunter who runs into Benny one day and ices him.
Dean: I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it won't we.
Sam: Yeah. Yeah you keep saying that.

This time Sam makes a swear to hunt down the paramour. An upgraded level of hatred to the guy :D

(Credit to kcvmh @ tumblr)
Sniffing scene again! Hahaha. Dean is always sexual arrested by men.

Credit to

[1] SpoilerTV -- for transcription

wincestuous love, pairing: sam/dean, meta, review, tv: supernatural, spn: 8x06

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