Evolution Becomes Revolution

Aug 14, 2011 01:18

made by unknown

BOTH of my photobucket bandwidth have exceeded. This is how ridiculous my journal looks like now ↓ (ha, made it from Being John Malkovich (1999) poster)

The images on my journal will be partially back on 14th, completely back on 16th.
I am now going to upload images from my computer. Nothing can stop me from continuous blogging.
Also, I can't wait anymore to ask...

How many of you have watched Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes?

Ain't these chimps badasses?

James: The movie seems to be more action now. I went and did my job, and I’m supposed to be a scientist. I feel pretty confident that I did that.

Yep, you did that.
How much I fancy James Franco. He looks hot and he did played a scientist effortlessly. He is also right about the movie being action ↓

Okay, I was just messing with you. The major action scenes in this blockbuster are of course about the revolution of apes.
By the way, Tom Felton's character is such an unpitiful arsehole.

This is what the scientist does when Caesar the Ape (played Andy Serkis) jealously interrupts his smooch with his girlfriend.
It is amusing to know James in real life was actually doing all these cute intimate things against another actor in grey suit with twentish green dots on his face.

See @ 02:24 and @ 02:42.

image Click to view

There is a super trailer explaning the CGI making of this movie if you're interested.

The reason I think James is effortless in his role not only because he is talented in acting, but also because most of the burden of character development is on Caeser the Ape.
I know the producers have to push Franco as the leading man for publicity and I think his name has brought the attention successfully
but Serkis, who has played Kong in King Kong (2005), should have been the one credited for his incredible performance which allows us audience to experience the ride of the emotion of an intelligent chimpanzee. 
He deserves an Oscars nomination for his part.

What else? Uh, James' boss is played by David Oyelowo, Dr. Junju in Last King Of Scotland (2006). I am so freaking random to even point this out.

Favorite moment of the movie: 

Dacro: Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!
Ceasar: NO!
Audiences: *gasp* (Quotation SPOILER! Please highlight to read)

Tips: If you think the ending seems unreal, please be a bit more patient with the end credit rolling.

jerk: james franco, review, picsspam, movies

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