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PS. inesdelsol June 27 2011, 09:46:38 UTC
is he suggesting a blow job to Fassy?

... )


Re: PS. wincestuouslove June 27 2011, 13:28:13 UTC
Suggestion is never an option :D

... )


Re: PS. inesdelsol June 27 2011, 13:42:56 UTC
oh my don't know this interview????????????????????


Re: PS. wincestuouslove June 27 2011, 13:50:06 UTC
Really???? There's soo many gifs made from this interview on tumblr so I thought you knew this already ;)
Nevermind, it's never too late to watch them interreact.
God! Michael is so manly while James has such a lovely baby doll face. Perfect match! Perfect height difference too!


Re: PS. inesdelsol June 27 2011, 13:50:55 UTC
I know the gifs but I haven't see this vid so far, now downloading it!


Re: PS. wincestuouslove June 27 2011, 13:52:10 UTC
There's not enough interviews of them. Never enough.


Re: PS. wincestuouslove July 3 2011, 07:33:30 UTC

Why there are always professors analyzing such things? How do I apply and get pay to study it?
And I want to show this article to my friends and say "FUCK YOU!", only they would deny anything shamelessly.


Re: PS. inesdelsol July 3 2011, 07:45:01 UTC
I was about to send you this article http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/b250480_magneto_professor_x_had_sex_movies_this.html#ixzz1R0wHTd9I ....
great minds thinks the same, darling <3


Re: PS. wincestuouslove July 3 2011, 08:11:17 UTC
OMG! Seriously! We do. "Playing chess" is the PG-13 movie code... Erik's anger is not suitable for the X-babies... OMG what is this? Whatever the professor studied, I want too.


Re: PS. inesdelsol July 3 2011, 08:12:15 UTC
GENETICS. He knows where the love, desire and sex is born.


Re: PS. wincestuouslove July 3 2011, 08:17:13 UTC
oh... this


Re: PS. wincestuouslove July 3 2011, 08:18:09 UTC
by the way, am i seeing thing or charles and erik drove an impala in the movie?


IMPALA??? inesdelsol July 5 2011, 11:25:35 UTC
oh god
haven;t noticed that, I NEED TO CHECK IT!!!!

fandoms collide



Re: IMPALA??? wincestuouslove July 5 2011, 11:56:52 UTC
write_light said XMFC movie took part in 1962 but SamandDean's metallicar is a 67' Impala.
So I think similar model, wrong year.


Re: PS. inesdelsol July 3 2011, 08:19:30 UTC
Come to tumblr. http://inesdelsol.tumblr.com/
see what goodies I got here.

Now I need some breakfast <3 have a good day , darling [what time is it at yours btw?]


Re: PS. wincestuouslove July 3 2011, 08:21:20 UTC

around 16:00. I'm having breakfast too ;)


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