Someone Took A Look At My Name And Clearly Thought, "It Has To Be A Girl." How Wrong Can You Get?

Jun 11, 2011 21:00

made by tulabula & stonepetal

Picsspam of London, desserts and Bosie Jude Law's areola... too orgasmic for a night.

Jude: While I was at school, I was in a theatre company when I was 12 or 13. Before I arrived, they organised the dormitories for where everybody was going to stay and I guess they assumed Jude was a girl's name. When I arrived, I was put in a room with 12 girls - I didn't say anything at the time. I spent the first night there until I was found out!


Who needs tailormade fashion or tawdry jewelleries when one IS elegant in a white bathrobe?

These pics have to be around the Wilde (1997) to The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) era.

Jude: I'm a big believer that we've all got a flip side. I mean, when I read Wilde I kind of felt sorry for my character, Bosie, in a way. I saw his bravery--for a man who was homosexual in a time when there wasn't even a term for it, he wore it on his sleeve. He was like "Fuck you!" Not that he stayed like that forever, because he became a bigoted old bastard after Wilde died, but at the time, from some of the accounts I read, this guy was really out there, brave. And the same applied to Eugene in Gattaca--on the page he was quite nasty, but again I felt really sorry for him. So that's how I see them, really. I don't know, maybe that's how I see myself!

land of hope and glory = united kingdom, jerk: jude law, picsspam, cocoa coffee cocktails

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