Wassup Holmes

Apr 15, 2011 00:43

made by lay_of_luthien

I finished two Sherlock Holmes drawings yesterday and as always, had them scanned by a male librarian in a public library :)
This is one of my shameful works. Inspired while listening Wassup Holmes by Scratch & Burn.
(The worse other one is posted on the bottom of this entry).

I have shared the following chinese newspaper cut with dark_angel1090  and telefilo , appearently we were all flabbergasted by the creativity of the journalist so I'mma re-post my translation here:

Jude Law Changed His Sexual Orientation 
Threw Himself Nakedly On Robert Downey Jr.
China Times [Report from Taibei]

Sherlock Holmes 2 is released at the end of this year. Movie stills and behind-the-scenes were exposed yesterday. Did Jude Law, who broke up with his girlfriend twice, change his sexual preference towards men? Nakedly overmastered an equally naked Robert Downey Jr. was not enough, Jude pressed his lips to Robert's ear as if they were filming a "brokeback" scene. "Two shabby mid-aged dudes," webbers scoffed meanly, "a stye will deveplop if you watch [them making out]."

As the prequel recieved a 5.2 billions global box-office, fans are excited for the sequel. According to the source, Sherlock's brother will appear on screen, and his bestie Dr. Watson will become a trouble-shooter rather than the trouble-maker he used to be.

The explosion scenes in SH2 were filmed in France. There were a wedding scene and also a fierce fighting scene on train. Not only Robert sacrifically put on heavy make-up and dressed as a woman, but he was also nakedly full bodied by Jude. There is no lack of equivocal scenes in the movie, no wonder webbers squeed it is "beyond standard".

[In this journalist's eyes, this was no manip but an movie still. \O/]

Thanks to veneno-enano @ tumblr, who got inspired by sleepall_day  and ziphertis ’ conversation over at an entry of our comm for making this nice gif:

I re-created the famous extremely heterosexual Turkish bath scene from Arthur Conan Doyle's The Adventure of the Illustrious Client , for no particular reasons.
Instead of drawing out an envelope, I have Holmes naughtily messing with Watson's swordstick.
The original illustration and the paragraph are posted below my horrible work.

The Adventure of the Illustrious Client

Both Holmes and I had a weakness for the Turkish bath. It was over a smoke in the pleasant lassitude of the drying-room that I have found him less reticent and more human than anywhere else. On the upper floor of the Northumberland Avenue establishment there is an isolated corner where two couches lie side by side, and it was on these that we lay upon September 3, 1902, the day when my narrative begins. I had asked him whether anything was stirring, and for answer he had shot his long, thin, nervous arm out of the sheets which enveloped him and had drawn an envelope from the inside pocket of the coat which hung beside him.

jerk: robert downey jr., pairing: robert/jude, movie: sherlock holmes (series), jerk: jude law, fanart: ballpen, pairing: holmes/watson, crack, fanart: makerpen

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