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erivar February 7 2011, 00:34:08 UTC
Even though i haven't seen this movie yet, i kinda already guessed it would have homoerotic undertones because Seth Rogen always star in films where he has a bromance with another male character even if there is a chick involved.


wincestuouslove February 7 2011, 07:41:33 UTC
Does he? I have to watch his other movies :D

Anyway, people said PE is the most hilarious one out of his works, it has been a long time for me to actually laugh out-loud during the movie, so... this have to be your Valentine Day movie :D A love story but not chessy, at all. What else should we want?

Dale actually has a teenage very pretty girlfriend, but "bro's before hoes", that's what they said, lol.

Seth and James are good friens in real life, so there's CHEMISTRY~~~ And the dialogue -- laugh my pants off!


Rogen/Goldberg bromance novels darkrooster February 9 2011, 06:11:57 UTC
Latest example? Green Hornet. When I saw trailer I made bet with myself that James Franco turns up in film someplace, and sure enough he does a cameo, lol.


Re: Rogen/Goldberg bromance novels wincestuouslove February 9 2011, 19:44:41 UTC
I saw his clip on Youtube. Seth and James are starting to appear on each other's movies. Too bad James was not in the same scene with Seth in The Green Hornet.


Re: Rogen/Goldberg bromance novels darkrooster February 9 2011, 21:24:28 UTC
I would have LOVED that.


Re: Rogen/Goldberg bromance novels wincestuouslove February 9 2011, 21:28:44 UTC
Anyway, James asked Christopher Waltz to french kiss his ass, no matter it's improvised or scripted in Seth's script, it's gay! LOL


Re: Rogen/Goldberg bromance novels darkrooster February 9 2011, 21:26:52 UTC
I'll be interested to see if Seth turns up on the Oscars since James is one of the hosts this year. Maybe they'll do another Dale/Saul vignette!


Re: Rogen/Goldberg bromance novels wincestuouslove February 9 2011, 21:33:01 UTC
I hope so. They really have to keep participate in each other's projects.

Another OTP -- RDJude will be in Oscars too. I dunno if they will present together.


Re: Rogen/Goldberg bromance novels darkrooster February 9 2011, 21:40:37 UTC
I saw Sherlock Holmes and got no vibe at all from that for whatever reason. It didn't resonate.


Re: Rogen/Goldberg bromance novels wincestuouslove February 9 2011, 21:54:31 UTC
The subtext in Sherlock Holmes is less obvious comparing with PE, but I'm sensitive so I smelled it alright.

Of course, we won't see Watson throwing himself to Holmes like Saul does to Dale, but we know they cannot live without each other and are always oblivious to any woman. Bro's before ho's, lol.


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